27 Easy Freelance Writing Jobs For Complete Beginners

Are you interested in finding freelance writing jobs to help you make money writing?

The thought of freelance writing sparks your imagination, but you have absolutely no clue how to start, where to look or how to do this successfully.

Well, I’m here to tell you that starting as a freelance writer is possible, and easier than you think.

27 Easy Freelance Writing Jobs For Complete Beginners

I’ve been writing online for clients since 2014. Yes, that’s over 10 years – and I’m still in the trenches working with clients. I’ve seen first hand what works and what doesn’t.

My goal was simple — find out how to attract high-paying clients and build a lucrative side hustle as a freelance writer.

Good news!

As a freelance writer beginner you don’t have to go through all of that hassle.

I want to share with you my tips on how to be a paid writer with ease, even if you’re just getting started.

What is Freelance Writing?

Freelance writing means you’re working for yourself and that means you’re responsible for many tasks like

  • invoicing
  • negotiating rates
  • deliverables
  • handling correspondences

With all the responsibility, you can decide how much money you want to make, work anywhere in the world (coffee shop, at home, on the couch, at a resort, on vacation, etc.) and work with only a handful of clients.

Clients pay you for your work  – blog posts, white papers, sales pages, social media posts, website copy and anything else they may think of (a client asked me to write an eBook once).

So, let’s check out how to get started.

Best Freelance Writing Jobs You Can Find

And here are all the ways to find a freelance writing job online:

  1. Start Cold Pitching
  2. Pitch to a Job Board Ad
  3. Follow Job Boards on X/Twitter
  4. Use Your Website
  5. Use a Business Card
  6. Guest Post
  7. Network with Others
  8. Start Warm Pitching
  9. Say You’re For Hire
  10. Visit Local Printing & Design Companies
  11. Pitch Your Story to Pubs
  12. Join Facebook Groups
  13. Ask for a Referral
  14. Try Journalism Jobs
  15. Pitch to Sites that Pay Writers
  16. Try LinkedIn Jobs
  17. Use a Content Agency
  18. Use a Freelance Writer Directory
  19. Use Reddit
  20. Wow Your Clients
  21. Use Job Search Sites
  22. Try Medium
  23. Look at School
  24. Remember to Circle Back
  25. Have a Blog
  26. Use Craigslist
  27. Use More than One Portfolio

Just to let you know, these 27 ways to find freelance writing jobs are the ways I used when I first started out as a freelance writer.

So they are proven tactics for beginner writers who want to do this to supplement their income.

If you want to know more about each of these tactics then keep on reading.

1. Start Cold Pitching


Do you know cold pitching is a fabulous way to land recurring gig writing?

There’s much less competition and you’ll have a better chance at landing a gig when you contact clients directly.

What is cold pitching?

It’s when you contact bloggers, entrepreneurs, companies, small businesses or startups and let them know how you – a freelance writer – can help grow their business.

Yes, I know, it sounds hard (and scary) doesn’t it? Especially if you’re brand new to freelance writing. But, you know what?

It’s totally easy to do.

First you need to locate businesses to cold pitch to. Maybe you noticed they don’t have a blog – but should. Or, on Twitter you see they are trying to grow their online presence and you think your content can help with that.

You can even do a Google search for find online writing gigs.

Once you locate these places, spend time researching them.

Some companies are huge brand and it would be difficult for a brand content writer to find a job that way. So get a GSheet and mark some companies, but then niche down to get smaller companies that would need help with your writing. Some examples:

  • Cruelty-free beauty products
  • Eco-friendly beauty products
  • Luxury beauty products

From there, find the right person to talk to (Editor, Content Manager or the owner) and draft up a cold pitch!

This can be the hardest step and takes the longest but in the end you’ll have a list of businesses and contact information to pitch to.

In your pitch make sure to include:

  • How you found out about them
  • Who you are
  • How you can help them
  • A writing sample to demonstrate your writing skill

2. Pitch to a Job Board Ad


If you’re new to freelance content writing and you want to find quality freelance writing gigs, responding to a remote job ads is your best bet.

It’s also the main way many new writers use for finding consistent work – including me!

One of my first writing jobs came from a job board for writing about automotive topics!

I tell my course students to do as it helps you gain confidence as a new freelance writer.

A bonus to using job boards over a freelance market place like Upwork or Fiverr to find remote work, is there isn’t any bidding.

Entrepreneurs, small businesses, and start-ups post job ads to freelance writing job boards and you pitch to these ads.

These sites also have a remote gig section so make sure to check those out!

Sometimes you are asked to give your rate; other times the job ad specifies a starting rate for content.

Here is an example of a job board on a free job site, specific for freelance writers.

While this isn’t the entire job ad, become familiar with what the writing job expect from a freelance writer.

There are paid job boards you can use but I would suggest you first start using free job boards. I was able to find my first freelance job writing 800-word blog posts for $100 on a free job board.

Here are the best freelance job boards to start pitching to:

Check out my step-by-step guide on an insanely fast way to find freelance writing opportunities using job boards.

As well here are other roundups for more writing job boards that are packed with thousands of writing opportunities:

Check out one of my pitches that landed me the job and notice that I even quoted a job board that doesn’t exist (boy was I brand new to all of this!)

Part of the pitch that landed me the freelance writing job

3. Follow Tweets/X From Job Boards

Did you know social media can be a goldmine for landing gigs? I didn’t know either until it happened to me several times.

Twitter/X is a great place for freelance writers and it’s a great way to build relationships with potential clients.

And by following certain freelance writing job boards you won’t be hard-pressed trying to land a gig during a dry spell. For example, I found this tweet recently:

Want to know which job boards I follow for a remote writing job?

Don’t forget to follow other freelance writers (like me) to get notified of new job postings. I’ll repost or post new jobs I see online to help you!

And while you’re at it, also sign up to the free Coffee & Go Jobs newsletter. You’ll get the latest jobs in your inbox. This is a simple way for beginning writing jobs since it’s free and you don’t need a website to start.

4. Use Your Website


The best way to attract high-paying clients is to have a professional looking website.

And, it’s how I can make a living doing this almost a decade later!

But, if you are just starting out, this may not be an option for you right off the bat.

Maybe you have a personal blog that you’ve built during your spare time. You can definitely use your site to offer your freelance writing services…in the beginning.

Eventually, though, to really ramp up your business you’ll want to invest in a self-hosted WordPress site and create a professional looking writer website.

*Check out my super simple, techy-free step-by-step tutorial to start a blog for your business (there’s even a video to show you how to start your website).

Don’t think a brand spanking new writer can do this?

Just take a look at my course participants’ websites after taking my complete freelance writing course:



And if you want to get away from churning out 500 word posts for a measly $20, this is the route you go.

I teach in-depth the precise pages to have on your site and the type of copy that attracts prospects in my course – since I know having a strong writer website is essential to a successful business.

For many years my little writer website has drummed up hundreds of leads and multiple tens of thousands of dollars.

5. Use a Business Card

Yes, I know the bulk of your work will be online but I strongly recommend sourcing gigs locally.

It’s important – before you leap into freelance writing –  to be ready at all times for potential writing gigs in your day-to-day life.

This means creating business cards that you can quickly give to small businesses while you grocery shop or head to the salon.

This was one of the first things I did and got to work with a printing company and a potential newspaper!

I contacted an editor of my local newspaper and they set up a time to meet with me.

I drove to my downtown city and met up with a journalist editor and he told me they needed writers do go to events and write about the events.

While I found this fascinating and a fun freelance gig, I declined since my twins were quite young and I wanted to stay home mostly since our car wasn’t that reliable at the time!

Doing this can help secure your first samples as a new writer.

You may also end up finding another writer in your town! I’ve met two freelance writers where I live and meet up with one of them regularly!

When you decide to quit your 9-5 job to be a freelance writer full-time, let your work and coworkers know. They may end up being your first client and can provide you with your first testimonial!

Once your community knows, start sourcing local writing jobs.

6. Guest Post (For Free!)


What? How can writing for free pay off?

The quickest answer is that when you guest post on popular sites hundreds and thousands of people will see your writing.

This is exactly what I did to gain my first samples and that led me to finding freelance writer jobs.

Even several years later, I am still pitching for guest post opportunities.

So far, recently, I’ve guest posted for Good Men Project and Addicted2Success.

And you can bet one of those readers is a potential client.

Pitching to job ads is great, but if you don’t have a good set of samples – especially from pieces published on other people’s sites – it will be hard to land a quality client, but not impossible.

I didn’t have any published articles or samples when I landed my first quality writing gig, so it can happen, but it’s difficult.

So, where do you guest post? It’s up to you. You can do a quick Google search, “niche + write for us” and see what happens.

This is the result for, “parent blog + write for us”

You’ll see roundups of all parenting blogs that accept a guest post and ones that are just the website that is accepting guest writers.

Visit their guest post guidelines and pitch your post idea!

And don’t forget to spend a few minutes drafting your author bio.

This is the best piece of copy you have to convince readers to come over to your site. I use several different author bios depending on where I am guest posting. Here’s an example of an optimized bio.

7. Network With Others (Freelancers and More)


You know, the best thing you can do for your new freelance writing biz is to network with other freelancers like other writers, VA’s, coaches, your current boss, and more.

Remember, we are all in this together and it isn’t a competition!

When I first started, I reached out to a few freelance writers (that I was stalking at the time!) and asked them their opinion on a starting rate.

While most said go with your gut, I was grateful for their interaction and their patience with my numerous questions.

A few months later, I had another freelance writer refer work to me!

How amazing was that? In fact, one writer introduced me to my ideal client and I can’t thank her enough!

I then began connecting with other VA’s and bloggers and landed blog writing jobs from that!

And now, when I’m swamped and can’t take on more freelance writer jobs, I offer my course students first dibs on potential jobs! It’s a win-win when you network.

So, if you’ve been following a freelance writer – ahem, me! – go ahead and reach out them. This can be the easiest way to get started that I know.

But, you can network with friends, family, past bosses and more.

Writeto1k student Ciara Williams broke into freelance writing by letting her friends and family know all about it.

I gained my first clients by sharing my content writing (that soon expanded to include content creation) business with family & friends! I have several friends who own businesses. Two of them are sisters who were in need of content writing & content creation services. I provided content for their blog, newsletters, & social media. I enjoyed the variety & the experience provided me with different types of content to add to my portfolio (I already had writing clips from published work).

8. Start Warm Pitching


Hold up! Didn’t I start this post by telling you to cold pitch and now I want you to start warm pitching. What changed?

Well, to maximize your chances at landing a quality writing gig, you need to work both ends – indirect and direct approaches.

While cold pitching is a direct way to land work, warm pitching, on the other hand, is a more indirect and slower way.

It all centers around creating relationships with brands and business.

For example, when I find a business in my niche, I follow them and Like their Facebook fan page. That way I can keep an eye on them and engage with their posts when I can.

So, if they tweet/x out a post on their blog, I’ll read it and then respond in hopes of getting on a prospect’s radar:

Over time, if I nurture this relationship, I could land a freelance writing job easily.

This approach also plays well on Instagram. I started to use Instagram for my email copywriting service and it has proved to be highly successful in landing work simply by connecting with clients.


As you can see from my DM on Instagram I watched this coaches live and she asked about my email writing service. Oh yay! That one thing brought in a ton of email writing work!

9. Say You’re For Hire


How easy is this?

If you have a social media profile – which you should! – advertise that you’re for hire. It seems obvious but many new freelance writers don’t state whether or not they are for hire.

Prospects won’t know if you have time to take on more clients so when you tell them you are for hire, it just makes it easier for them to consider you.

Also, it lets other freelancers know that you are available for writing work.

Early on when I first started, I was lucky enough to land online writing jobs from simply saying I was for hire.

A prospect messaged me on LinkedIn and told me another writer had referred me to him.

I had no clue who this writer was, so I messaged her back and asked how my name came up in their conversation. She had replied by saying my “for hire” signature had alerted her that I was looking for work! Presto, landed a gig!


10. Visit Local Printing and Design Companies


Another great way to land consistent writing work is to contact your local printing and web design companies.

Sure, you can go to your business district and let the local dentist or local pet shop owner know that you’re a writer for hire, but this takes a lot of time out of your day.

A quick way around this is to visit only web design companies and let them know there’s a writer available.

These businesses have a full roster of clients that need web content and it’s a fast way for freelance writing jobs for beginners for sure!

This is what I did early on in my freelance writing career and it’s helped with finding consistent work.

11. Pitch Your Story


For many print journalists and writers, when they decide to go online and freelance, they stick to writing for publications and selling their stories

These creative writing jobs are perfect if you haven’t been paid for your writing yet.

Why? Because many trade magazines don’t get many pitches and welcome freelancers or journalists to pitch to them.

While this can be extremely lucrative (for publication you can get upwards to a $1 or more per word), it’s highly inconsistent and it takes months to get paid.

But, it’s still a great option for writers. All Freelance Writing has a library of publications that accept and pay for submissions.

Many sites pay for your story too!

There are two ways to find out how much a publication pays their freelance writers.

The first is to do a Google search for “publication pay submission” or “magazine pay submission” to find out which publications pay writers.

The second way is to use Who Pays Writers.

This is a website that aggregates rates for various publications. Writers put in the rate they got for a publication and how long it took to get paid, how to find publications to pitch to, as well as how they enjoyed working for that publication.


Generally you have to cold pitch your story idea first and then pitch each additional time for subsequent stories. This will help you gain freelance work for writers.

12. Join Facebook Groups


There is a lot of potential for writing gigs and online jobs on Facebook alone!

If you know the groups to join then you should have no problem finding consistent work whether you are a resume writer, copywriter, or even into creative writing!

But, this approach does take time as you are building relationships with potential leads. For me, I belong to several entrepreneurial Facebook groups and I do my best to join in on the conversation.

I might also throw out a question to see if there are entrepreneurs that need help and are overworked.

For example, I might ask, “What’s the one thing you wish was easier in your business?”

From here I’ll take a look at people’s answers and if content writing is mentioned, I’ll respond with a, “if you ever need some writing, I’m your gal!”

Some Facebook groups to join are:

It never hurts to give it a try and put yourself out there!

Many entrepreneurs aren’t aware of job boards or just don’t have the time to sift through hundreds of pitches.

In my Youtube video, I share more Facebook groups that are specific to copywriting and freelance jobs for beginners.

If you put yourself out there in a Facebook group, you could very well end up with a gig that hour.

13. Ask for a Referral


Okay, this way means you have to have a client already, so if you don’t, then this may not be a good way for you.

However, if you’ve landed a few clients, this would be a great time to ask for a referral.

I know, it can be scary! It was for me when I first started, but then I thought, the worst they can say is no or they can’t.

You can email a client and ask, or use social media like I have done in the past:

Using this tactic has generated me thousands of dollars in freelance writing income and when I have a spot open for another client, I always first approach my existing clients to see if they have someone in mind for a freelance job.

And since most of my clients are quality clients, I know with confidence they will refer me to another quality client.

By the way, I did end up landing that client and love writing for them.

14. Try Journalism Jobs

If you’re interested in doing journalism for news reporting sites as a freelance writing job, then check out Cision jobs. Cision is also HARO – Help a Reporter Out – where they connect journalists with sources, but they are sided with Gorkana Jobs.

This freelance writing site is perfect for high-paying writing jobs.

Cision jobs does US and UK only. Two other journalist job sites for job listings are:

Businesses in big cities often have big budgets for creative writing jobs. So do a quick search in each of these cities a couple times a week and get pitching!

15. Pitch to Sites That Pay Writers


Besides publications and magazines, there are hundreds of blogs that pay for your guest post.

What? Why did I tell you earlier to guest post for free when you can get paid to guest post?

Landing a paid guest spot is a bit more challenging than landing a free guest spot.

So, while you’re building your portfolio with guest posts, you can also pitch to job ads and paid guest blogs to earn some cash and gain beginner writing jobs.

To get started as a job seeker, check out this post on 50 High-Paying Sites that Pay For Your Writing. You can also go on Pinterest or search in Google for blogs that pay for guest posts.

Personally, I never used this approach only because it’s a one-off gig. You write the piece, pitch, wait to see if it’s approved, then get paid a few weeks later. Then you do it all over again.

I’d rather pitch to guest posts for free while pitching to job boards and landing recurring gigs for more consistent pay.

16. LinkedIn Jobs

Did you know LinkedIn has a job board for writing opportunities?

I never did until recently. I have no idea why because I do spend a considerable amount of time networking on LinkedIn.

Go to their job board and all you do is put in your job (“content SEO writer”) and see what pops up.


You can be more specific too – freelance resume writer or freelance technical writer – to see more results.

You’ll find blog writing jobs, content writing jobs, copywriting jobs, and other online writing jobs on LinkedIn.

From here you can decide how you want to approach these businesses – use a warm pitch or a cold pitch. If you have the time to invest in building a relationship and you have clients already, I would use a warm pitch approach. But, if you are itching to land work now, go ahead and add these places to your list to cold pitch.

But, as a freelance copywriter, what I typically did was network on Instagram or even LinkedIn and then sent a DM asking if they have a sales funnel in place.

Another way you can use LinkedIn to attract new clients is your LinkedIn profile.

Check out this video to see exactly what I mean (and subscribe to my YouTube channel when you have a chance!).

But, in a nutshell, what you want to do is first optimize your LinkedIn profile so that you are speaking the right language to the right type of client.

This means:

  • Using more than one freelance title to show exactly what you do (ex: B2B SaaS writer, SEO writer, blog post writer, etc)
  • Fully fill out your About section by detailing who you serve and the types of deliverables or writing projects you do for clients
  • Take advantage of the featured section and put your best writing samples to showcase
  • Fill out your experience with only past writing jobs or guest posts to show new clients you are a freelancer

The next thing to attract new clients with your profile is to have an eye catching LinkedIn banner. This banner can act as an elevator pitch where you can state your name, your writing niche and your value proposition as a way to get the attention of prospects.

Finally, engaging on LinkedIn consistently can win you a writing job, even if you neglected it for a while. This is what Sabahet Amjad did.

It was back in mid 2019, I decided to check out my long lost LinkedIn profile and posted a few things – BAM!

17. Use a Content Agency

Okay, I don’t mean any content agency like a content mill (like Writer Access).

The big ones usually don’t pay well and the work isn’t the greatest. Instead, as a freelancer you want to look for smaller content agencies.

For example, Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind, has a small content agency called WordCandy. They’re in the WordPress space and are always looking for technical writing articles.

The advantages to working with a small content agency is:

  • Usually better pay
  • More job opportunities in your niche
  • Better training
  • 1:1 support
  • More consistent pay (but the pay isn’t that great)

For more information, you can check out my Youtube video for more content agencies.

Free Course on Getting Paid to Write Online


18. Use a Freelance Writer Directory


Did you know these exist? They do! Well I only know of one but it’s a good one and you never know right?

The point is, when you’re just starting out as a freelance writer, you need to put yourself out there if you want more employment opportunities.

So by guest posting, pitching, being on social media and in directories, you are everywhere at all times. This increases your chances of a prospect finding you and hiring you!

ProBlogger has a free Candidate Dashboard where you can create your online freelance writing resume.

Here’s Kara Fortier’s profile:

This might be worth a shot for you so give it a try! Make sure to be specific with the type of writing you to: technical writing, article writing jobs, or even academic writing jobs.

For a paid option you can check out the Freelance Writers Den. It is a subscription-based program with training, forums and support.

19. Reddit


Reddit is another social media site where you can find more freelance writing opportunities and post that you are a writer looking for gigs.

And don’t think you’ll only find low-paying gigs on Reddit. I recently saw this on their subreddit /r/HireAWriter.


Other subreddits to pay attention to:

  • /r/ForHire – a place for companies and entrepreneurs who are hiring for project based work. This isn’t specific to freelance writing so you’ll have to sort through the postings. You can also advertise your services in this subreddit.
  • /r/WritingOpportunities – is where you can find publications that pay writers for submissions. If you’re a junior copywriter you can even find gigs for landing page copy, email and more.

Check out how one Writeto1k student is using Reddit for freelance writing.

Aaron says you can find even gaming writing jobs too!

“For role playing games, videos games, book series, etc. Companies simply need a foundation for their characters and events. Including detailed map jobs for artists, they need writers for with descriptions. Including Character descriptions. The opportunity for WRITING is endless! Just gotta be at the right place at the right time.”

20. “Wow” Your Clients and Make More Money!


I’ve talked a lot on my blog (and over on FreelancerFAQs) about wowing your clients.

If you can free up time for your clients or make them more money with your content, you’ll probably make more money too.


Well, one of my clients asked me to write for several of his other blogs not because I produce the best content, but because I also format my content for easy uploading and readability, I provide the most up-to-date stats and facts in my posts and I’m easy to work with!

I have clients telling me all the time that I’m their go-to writer. Because of this, I don’t have to pitch every day; if I wow my clients, they’ll give me more projects.

It’s as simple as that if you want to be a successful freelance writer!

21. Use a Job Search Website


While the twenty ways I’ve shown you are a mix of hustling, looking and pitching, you can also do most of your prospecting for some writing work by simply using job search sites!

From Indeed to We Work Remotely to Zip Recruiter and more, there are dozens of websites waiting for you to sign up and start looking for writing gigs.

These are the traditional job sites I’m sure you know but there are ones that are for remote workers, freelancers of all kind and of course, writing and copywriting jobs for you!

Many of these job sites have you sign up to their platform for free and have you upload your resume (which I suggest you create one yourself that is for your writing business).

22. Use Medium

Are you on Medium?

Medium is a solid way to create writing samples and have a portfolio for prospects to look at your writing and hire you.

You can also use your Medium articles to share and get in front of your ideal clients.

Many of my Writeto1k students have shared their Medium articles on LinkedIn and have caught the eyes of new clients and landed writing gigs!

If you are unfamiliar with Medium, it’s a free content platform for writers, authors, bloggers, celebrities and business owners.

It’s free to sign up, but if you want to submit your articles to publications you do need to sign up to the Medium Partner platform, which costs $5/month.

23. At School


Are you in college? You might be able to land a freelance writing job if you are connected with your network.

This is what Ashlyn Needham had happened to her.

I had a very unique way of landing my first client! I was a junior in college (an English major), and the department chair sent out an email to every English student informing us about a company in Connecticut looking for students to intern remotely with them as freelance writers. The email had an attached application, so I filled it out and was hired as one of their writers! I wrote pet articles for $30 an article and did this for about two years.

24. Circling Back


Look –

Landing that first freelance writing job takes persistence.

You have to keep on pitching and keep on circling back.

This is how Writeto1k student Caitlin Lemon had to do to secure her first writing client.

I’d been talking to a company about freelance work. They talked about possibly doing a trial piece for free. But then their writer bailed two days before a deadline. So I asked them to pay me to do the piece. And they agreed.

25. Have A Blog


While a writer website is the best tool to have to land writing projects online, a great second way is having a blog. This can be attached to your writer website or be a second website you have (like me. I have my Innovative writer website and this blog).

Clients have told me that they found my blog post, read it and contacted me for blog writing or SEO writing.

And I’m not the only one where a blog has attracted the right client.

Freelancer Nsisong Pro said,

I had a blog where I wrote regularly, they loved my work and reached out.

Your blog can have blog posts topics that is your writing niche or not.

This blog is not my writing niche (digital marketing) but prospective clients read my content, see how engaging my writing is based on comments and shares and see my writing skills in action.

26. Craigslist


Yes, Craigslist isn’t the first thing you think about when you are trying to find a writing work. But, it’s these types of sites and places that can be a goldmine for a new freelancer. This is exactly what happened to Lizzie Davey.

My first official client was through Craigslist of all places ? but I worked with them for about 18 months and I really enjoyed it! My actual first client was my ex-boss who I did some freelance work for just after I quit.

Craigslist definitely has freelance work for writers so make sure to check the listings more consistently.

27. More Than One Portfolio


I have a secret to tell you –

This is something I tell my students so this is a big one!

If you want beginning writing jobs then you need to APPEAR everywhere online.

Why? Because it will make you look established and prolific – even if you are new writer.

And a simple way to appear everywhere is to have more than one portfolio site.

This is where you house your writing samples and while the BEST portfolio is on your writer website, feel free to set up a portfolio on:

This way you will attract a bigger pool of potential clients that want to hire you and you can gain work as a writer! Simple and easy for sure!

12 Tips for Landing an Online Freelance Writing Job

Still unsure if freelance writing or landing a freelance writing job is for you?

Check out these crucial tips to help you decide!

1. Freelance Writing Jobs are Legit

I’m not going to lie here – but, there are job scams out there as well as sucky clients.

Common red flags to look out for include a job ad wanting bulk writing projects or want you to write like an influencer or popular person in the industry.

These types of freelance jobs don’t pay well and the client doesn’t value your worth as a writer. They see you as a commodity instead of a value perspective.

Another red flag is if they want you to write a free sample.

This can be their way of gathering unique content for free. If a job ad asks for a unique sample (not one you already have), ensure they pay for it or you write one that is under 500 words.

But, overall, the majority of writing jobs out there are legit! In all the years of freelance writing, I’ve never ran into a scam or client that never paid.

2. What Kinds of Freelance Writing Jobs are There?

There are many types of writing jobs out there and that is a good thing for you!

Some popular types are:

  • Ghostwriting – these types of writing jobs are credited to another person. These can prove to be highly lucrative writing gigs.
  • Blogging jobs – blogging jobs are the easiest and most recurring type of writing job there is.
  • Copywriting jobs – write sales pages, landing page copy or a company’s next marketing campaign.

Emerging writing jobs are:

  • AI optimize content jobs – clients hire a writer to take an article written by an AI (artificial intelligence) writing tool (like ChatGPT) and humanize the content.
  • AI editing jobs – clients will hire a writer to edit all AI content on their website.

You can also offer other types of freelance services and gain other jobs like: transcription jobs, proofreading jobs, editing jobs, and typing jobs.

3. Typical Pay for a Freelance Writing Job Varies

Freelance writing jobs are so varied in the type of work that’s being asked, so the pay for article writing vary drastically.

Typical blogging gigs run anywhere from $50-$1,000 a post.

Email writing jobs average a few hundred per email.

Ghostwriting an eBook can start at $15,000.

The higher the rate, the more established you are to command that type of freelance rate.

4. Can Anyone do Freelance Writing?

I believe most people can be a freelance writer even if you know nothing about content marketing. Of course, if you hate writing or you struggle with writing, then this isn’t for you.

But, if you’ve always enjoyed writing, are creative and are able to work on you own and be your own boss, then you can definitely be a freelance writer.

5. How Much do Freelance Writers Make?

Yes! I was able make my first $1,000 within months of starting and after years of doing this, I’m still able to stay home, keep my husband home and make a living as a writer!

6. What Happens After You Land a Writing Gig Is Important

Typically the process of landing your first freelance writing job goes like this:

  • You pitch to a job ad
  • The marketer responsible emails you back and asks for more information (like your rate and if you two could chat)
  • You negotiate a good rate for yourself and either accept the gig or give them a service agreement (some writers also ask for half their pay upfront for each project).
  • You’re given a deadline and either a topic idea (or one you have to come up with) and you get writing!
  • When done you proofread it, use an editing tool like Grammarly, proofread it a bunch of times, properly format it and send it off (or upload your piece to your client’s WordPress website).
  • You email your client that you submitted your piece and ask for feedback and let them know you will invoice them.
  • You invoice them and get paid!

7. Who Pays for Freelance Writing?

Many types of businesses and people hire freelance writers.

The most common are small business owners and big brands.

They post a job posting mainly for blog writing.

My main type of client is a small business person or solopreneur. Many of my clients own multiple sites as well.

Some freelance writers only work with coaches, while others only work with credit card companies or brands.

8. The Highest Paying Jobs For Someone Who Loves Writing

If you’re interested in freelance writing jobs online, the highest paid writing are ones that are specialized forms of writing or need specialized skills to write on those topics.

For example, copy writing jobs are one of the highest paying writing positions, but you have to learn the art of selling and write compelling, but also, conversational writing for businesses. Companies hire copywriters to write landing pages, email funnels, sales pages, brochures, press releases and more.

But, you can learn how to write specialized forms of writing and you know what? I can help you with that on my blog. Here are some beginner posts on how to write white papers, case studies, and press releases. All of these freelance writing jobs are high paying and can start at $1,000.

9. Do You Have to Have a Degree to Be a Freelance Writer?


I know college students who are already freelance writing as well as adults with only a high school diploma as successful freelance writers.

Look –

Businesses hire writers because THEY can’t write.

They don’t know how to write effective copy to connect with their audience. So they hire a freelance writer – you – as the expert.

And, being an expert in something doesn’t mean you have to have a degree in it! With new titles like Youtuber or Influencer, there are plenty of ways to have a side hustle without having to have a degree.

10. What to Charge for a 500-Word Article

Currently, the length of the average blog post is around 1500-2,000 words.

If a client is asking for a 500-word article, I would wonder if they just want cheap writing.

In any case, I would give them my standard rate but for a new writer I would suggest $.10-.12/word.

11. Do You Need to Have a Freelance Writing Contract?

Yes and no.

Most business that hire freelancers have their own contract that you can sign. This is probably the most typical way you will see regarding a freelance writing contract.

If you are hired by a start up and they don’t give you a contract to sign before you write your first article, you can give them a contract but it does have to be legal. Otherwise a summary of services is okay to give to a client to ensure both of you are on the right page and no extra assignments or tasks are slipped in.

12. Good Rates for Content Writing Jobs

Your freelance rate is based on many factors like your location, your writing niche and the client or business hiring you.

If you work for a startup, expect to get paid little for your writing. However, if you land entry level writing jobs with companies that have 50 employers or more, then your rates will be higher.

I typically tell my students to charge between $.10 – $.12/word. For the standard you can check out the latest freelance writing stats.

Get Serious About Freelance Writing

I just showed you legit ways to get started with not just any jobs, but good paying ones.

Are you ready to take action and kick some butt?

If you enjoyed this post and found it super helpful, please make sure to Pin it! 🙂

Over to you – tell me which ways you’re going to start this new path!

Hi I'm Elna and I'm a freelance writer and mom blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers. Check out my free email course Get Paid to Write Online and learn the steps you need to take to be a freelance writer.

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Hi Elna I am grateful for your advice,I am good in writing but am just a beginner and very interested in freelance writing how do I start as in where do I even beginReply to Pauline
Hi Pauline, That’s fantastic to hear you want to be a freelancer! Being an online writer is the way I can make money from home and be with my family. My suggestion is to try my free email course Get Paid to Write. That will give you the tools to land your first client. You can also check out my Youtube channel (under my name) and get even more freelance writer advice! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Woww. Thank you very much Ma Elna Cain. The value you post here is so much and it encourages us newbies to really get into the business of Freelance Writing. If I had enough money, I could have gotten your course. But that’s not an issue. With what you’ve posted here, I believe that I will land my first writing client soon enough. I just need to get on it with all seriousness. Thanks again Elna Cain for the post. Anticipating more from you ?Reply to Daniel
Hi Elna, This is an excellent post! I have just begun my writing career. was having trouble writing samples and getting started. However, your post has given a boost to my confidence. I hope I will be able to apply these tips and be there where I want to be in the future as a freelancer.Reply to Rashmi
Hi Rashmi, Thanks so much for stopping over on my article! Glad you enjoyed it and are ready to do some online writing!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’ve been a fan of yours for a while, and I took a break from freelance work for a couple years. I’m ready to jump back on the wagon and have done dozens of cold pitches on job sites, built up portfolios and samples of work, and even generated email leads…but so far nothing! I’d like to make a blog as an example of my work, but my interests are so wide and varied it wouldn’t make a very readable blog. What do you suggest?Reply to Shelby
Hi Shelby, Thanks so much! So happy you are ready to jump back into freelance writing 🙂 This is the BEST time right now! Yes, the hustle part is real and for some long! Try to send 10 pitches (cold, warm, job, guest) a day for 2 weeks or for a month M-F. Use LinkedIn as well! As for your credibility, yes, samples will help you but I see your problem. What I would do is pick three of your interests and guest post rather then start a blog at first. Get those guest posts out and pitch specifically to those industries. Also try to marry the niches together…education, tech, parenting can have articles like: 10 Best Education Apps Parents Love or 5 Sneaky Ways to Use Tech in Teaching, etc..I hope that helps!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thank you so much for such beautiful content and the effort you put in to help your readers. I truly love writing but what is killing me is the lack of confidence. Is there anything you can advise?Reply to John
Hi John, I do have a post https://elnacain.com/blog/read-my-writing/ that might help you!Reply to Elna
Wow, Elna! Your article was highly informative with a touch of inspiring! I’ve wanted to try to get in on freelance writing, but have never really committed to the pursuit. I’m going to try out your ideas, and find myself some extra income while honing my verbal skills to a fine point. If you see this, is there any extra advice you have?Reply to Justus
Hi Justus, Thank you for your compliment! That’s great you want to try freelance writing! It’s a great side gig or for when you work from home! I hope these tips can help you land your first freelance writing job!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, Good day. I am so happy to stumble into this post. I am one of your students in Ready Set Traffic and I just learned about freelance writing a month ago as I stumbled into a local mom group in my country. I got excited and thought of giving it a try to earn some money, while slowly growing my blog. I got my first client, but she only wants 2 articles per month, and the payment is low per article (40$), but I accepted thinking that it can help build my portfolio. But after writing, I felt that it was not worth it because it took me a very long time to finish the article because I was reading a lot of resources and included a lot of resources, too. Where can I find jobs that pay a bit higher? I would like to enroll in your writing course, but I can’t afford it at the moment. Hopefully, in the future, I can finally enroll.Reply to Julai
Hi Julai! Oh, I hope you enjoyed Ready Set Blog for Traffic over on my Twins Mommy blog! As for your question, in the beginning you might have to do a little work to inch your way to higher paying clients. A lot of it depends on your client and your writing skills. Typically though, starter rates are around $.10-.12/word. My course is called Write Your Way to Your First $1k https://writeto1k.com 🙂Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, This post is extremely helpful. I love the way you always break everything down. You have been an inspiration to me. I have not been pushing myself like I should have been but now I will push harder.Reply to Lynita
Hi! Thank you so much for this post! I have a question for you if you don’t mind. I am a college student and I have terrible anxiety, so I have been trying to find a way to make a nice income from home. Do you know if any of these sites (referring to number 6 with guest posts) allow complete beginners to submit articles and accept them? Do you know of any sites that let complete beginners guest post, have a good acceptance ratio, and pay well? I would really like to do this and make a good income, if possible. Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you! -ConorReply to Conor
Hi Conor, Thanks for taking the time to read my post on 20 ways to find freelance writing jobs. In theory yes if the complete beginner has some social profiles and perhaps a Medium profile. Some guest sites want to know you have written online content before and will ask for some sample work. Medium is a fine platform to link to. They also may ask for you to link your social profiles too. But not all guest posting sites are like this! So do your research and try! The #6 option you are referring to is not a paid option. There are paid options for sure but the free ones are quicker to get your writing up and published and it can help build your portfolio as a brand new freelance writer.Reply to Elna
Elna, Thank you so much for your reply! I’ve been watching some of your YouTube videos and I found one talking about sites that post jobs. Is it common to find job postings on this site that are friendly to complete beginners? Do you think that is the best way for a brand new freelance writer to start making a good income quickly?Reply to Conor
Hey Conor, thank you Elna for a wonderful post it has been most helpful. I am starting out as a freelance writer hopefully, I was and still am very introverted sometimes. I thought that this made me want to be a writer, so I could survive in seclusion but I am starting to see that it is much more than that! I have no authority speaking on writing especially on how to make money doing it but there is something I would love to share Do not do a job just because of your anxiety, never let fear be the deciding factor for anything in your life! Please try and find a way to deal with this first, there are so many proven methods, have a deeper look at your own religion, study martial arts or even start an improv class Don’t let this control youReply to Shawn
Hi Connor, Thanks for checking out my Youtube videos! There are many job sites for writers and yes, some job ads are friendly to new writers. But, here’s the thing – you need to appear as more than a new writer to the job ad! Taking a freelance writing course – my course Write Your Way to Your First $1k is an excellent resource! – will help that!Reply to Elna
Very helpful advice that I greatly appreciate! I have recently started writing articles on Medium and hope to develop a freelance writing career.Reply to Wendi
Hi Wendi, That’s great to hear! Yes, Medium is a great platform to get your writing out there and even find freelance writing jobs! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Enjoyed the article. Looking for stay at home work to finance the publishing of my first novel.Reply to Velma
Hi Velma, Thank you so much! I know many people who start freelance writing end up as authors. Others are a freelance writer and author! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Thanks for the great content with great tips! I am starting a daily writing challenge (working that muscle) and I love to check out your content and videos. My goal is to start a part-time side hustle. You are providing beginners with the best value out there. I am deciding between your course and two others if I decide to give this business a go. I have to put you first because of all the free quality content you provide as well as your sincerity. Thanks again and I hope you have a great 2022 and beyond!Reply to Don
Hi Don, Thank you for your kind words. Happy to hear you want to start freelance writing with some daily writing challenges. Being a freelance writer part time is totally doable and I’m still doing this part-time and able to pick up freelance writing opportunities. If you have any questions about Writeto1k just email me [email protected] and hopefully I can give you the answers you need to decide if freelance writing is for you!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, I found this article while Googling methods and opportunities for freelance writing jobs. It’s a recent pursuit that I believe could best suit me as I am on the autism spectrum and have trouble in verbal social situations but consider writing to be my greatest strength. It’s discouraging searching for listings on Google as most require quite a bit of experience and some even college degrees so this article has given me some hope however I find it a bit of a struggle to put myself out there and sell myself and when I do I tend to attract little notice. I have started a professional writing page as well as have a casual blog I have been maintaining for several years. Whilst reading this article I have followed some of the simpler tips, I have changed my Twitter bio to promote myself as being for hire with the above links and submitted a request to join one of the Facebook groups you have suggested. I feel something in entertainment such as a feature or review writer would fit me best though I am concerned about not being knowledgeable about current trends such as Marvel and Star Trek. What I’d like to ask you as someone who seems to have found such great success starting where I am at, is could you perhaps narrow down these suggestions to the one(s) that would be best for someone with my circumstances?Reply to Anne
Hi Anne, That’s great you have a Writers Work profile! I’m actually going to do to a Youtube video on creating a Writers Work portfolio page! I’m happy to hear that you want to be a freelance writer as a complete beginner and find some awesome freelance writing jobs. This post does break it down and it is EASY if you know what to do to become a freelance writer from scratch! Good luck and make sure to check out my Youtube channel (elnawrites) and follow me on Instagram (elnacain).Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Quick question about guest blogging. I’ve been checking this out and most sites ask you to send an entire blog post to be considered, but you advised to submit your blog idea. Is sending an entire blog post typical practice to land a guest posting gig? P.S Love your blog posts! Such valuable content.Reply to Victoria
Hi Victoria, This post couldn’t dive deep into guest posting or it would be a 10,000 word post on freelance writing jobs! I do talk about guest posting (this might help https://elnacain.com/blog/how-to-land-guest-post/) but it’s not always the case to submit your entire post. But some companies do. I know for the Content Marketing Institute, they did want the entire post to guest post!Reply to Elna
Hi there Elna, I’d like to know, can a person still become a writer, if they’ve dropped out of high school and don’t have a high school diploma? What is the odds of a person getting paid to write without a high school diploma? I need to continue, to practice with my writing skills. I have books on writing, which I need to get back into reading them. I’m also, using writing prompts online, to assist me in the process of practicing my writing skills. What is your advice on all of this? Please, do let me know. I’d love to hear back from you on this matter.Reply to Teresa
Hi Teresa, What I can tell you is that having a college degree or HS diploma doesn’t matter online. I don’t mention my schooling education at all on my writer website or anywhere else. If you want to be a freelance writer online then you need to create a writing platform that shows your experrtise in a niche or industry. Maybe you know a lot about depression or pet training or greek food, you can show that authority in a topic on your writer website! I do have a post on what you don’t need to freelance write: https://elnacain.com/blog/6-things-dont-need-freelance-writer/Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I finally, found your email, which you had sent me while back. I have bookmarked this page, and will be going back over it and take notes on it. I have been using writing prompts for practicing my writing skills. Does these help to improve one’s ability to write? I too, am going to be going over your tips, as I too, want to become a writer and work from home. Again, thanksReply to Teresa
Hi Teresa, Thanks for bookmarking this page! I love this post and love how others found it and applied these tips to find freelance writing jobs. Writing prompts are awesome to help you be a better writer. I actually have a post on this: https://elnacain.com/blog/write-about-for-writing-prompt-ideas/Reply to Elna
Hi Elna I’m so happy and greatful to come across this site. Writing is one thing that has been disturbing me for too long,I was wondering on how I would start but write after reading the 20s I hope it will work. Thanks for the share and God bless you.Reply to Ogutu
Hi, There are some simple steps to start freelance writing jobs. The first is to have a place to share your writing. I recommend a writer website that you own and can market but if you don’t have the funds, then a Medium profile is probably your best bet. From there you need to start pitching on job boards! I have posts for both of these steps! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Am so blessed to come across this content as I have been in quest for clarity and direction on writing. I desire to start freelance writing and this teaching has actually given me a good start. Thanks so much and more grace.Reply to Ezinne
Hi Ezinne, So glad to hear this! I hope you find the right tips for freelance writing and I can’t wait until you become a freelance writer! Oh yea!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! I am so thankful of you for your amazing, really helpful, tips. I want to be a freelance writer because i love writing, and also because i want to earn money online. Therefore, i’m learning all about freelance writing, and i’m definitely taking your course. Thanks again.?Reply to Sehrish
Hi Sehrish, Thanks so much for taking my course 🙂 Good luck with freelance writing and I’m totally here for you!Reply to Elna
Thank you for all of this, Elna! I finally on the path.Reply to Mary
Hi Mary Jane, You’re welcome! Glad you found your way as a brand new freelance writer!Reply to Elna
Hello, Elna. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. I’m also a writer and I’m yet to get my first client but I’ve read your post and made some notes. I’ll start pitching again. Anyways, I wanted to ask – how do you approach web design companies and ask them to refer clients to you in the nicest way possibe. I thought of contributing 3 blog post topics for them but is there any other way I could provide value to them and make a good first impression so that they’ll be more likely to recommend me to a few of their clients?Reply to Amarachi
Hi, That’s awesome! Glad you found some tips to help you find freelance writing jobs 🙂 For web companies, what I actually did was go local. I went to local printing and web companies, gave them my services sheet (I didn’t have a business card) and they periodically called me to do some copywriting for them. So start there. I do have a post on local gigs: https://elnacain.com/blog/writing-jobs-near-me/Reply to Elna
Wow I loved the content….was just checking how I can get into online writing and I landed in this and trust me I read word to word and made a few pages of notes….it’s well detailed and the best thing about it is that you give some extra info..which groups to join and such….you are such a blessing, I can now start my freelancing with no doubts…thenks @ElnaReply to Wanjiku
Hi! So glad you enjoyed this post and you are ready to become a freelance writer as a beginner from scratch! Yay! Regarding how to get into online writing, the best tip is to first start a blog and start writing! Then start guest posting! And then start pitching 🙂 Easy steps!Reply to Elna
This is really helpful. Took some notes and I’ve become wiser. I believe my great interest in freelancing will take me where I wish to be. Thank youReply to James
Hi James, Good to hear this! So glad you decided to find some freelance writing jobs 🙂 Have fun exploring!Reply to Elna
This was amazingly helpful. I’m just learning about how to break into the business. I took three pages of notes! Thank you for sharing your experience.Reply to Cresta
Hi Cresta! Wow! Thank you so much for reading the content, taking notes and hopefully taking action. Make a plan and take it one day at a time! I’m here if you need more help!Reply to Elna
Wow. I just came across this blog page as I was doing some research and it is inspiring. You are just awesome. I am a budding writer and I can honestly say you have made my passion leap to another level. I already subscribed to your pages, ready to learn from you. Thank you. Thank you.Reply to Joyce
Hi Joyce, Oh thank you so much for your kind words!!!! So happy you enjoyed this post and I hope it helped you figure out how to find freelance writing jobs as a new freelance writer. I know for me, as a beginner, I had a hard time finding legit and good-paying freelance writing jobs so I hope my tips will help you out!Reply to Elna
Elna you are just so wonderful and your writing is impeccable; it’s like talking to a Friend. Thank you so much, God bless you. I am taking every idea you labelled down into my plans. I have been a doing far too less. Its time to kick some butt!!Reply to Emma
Hey Emma! Ha! So glad you enjoyed this post! Yes I’m an expert on freelance writing jobs for sure! Glad this gave you some motivation to pitch, hustle and become a freelance writer!Reply to Elna
Great content for someone who is in the elementary stages of freelance writing! Practical and genuine advice sourced from personal experiences. Huge help Elna! Thank you for taking the time to compile starting points that are practical for newbies! Definitely will tune in for more guidance as I begin this new journey.Reply to Angelica
Hi Angelica, You’re welcome! I’m glad you found my personal tips helpful. I agree with you – I love learning from others that share their personal experience. This motivates me and excites me because if they can do it, then I CAN DO IT! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
I’ve been trying to figure out how to get started on this freelance writing journey and having blog posts like this one to follow is so helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to put together all these tips!Reply to Liam
Hi Liam, You’re welcome! Figuring out how to find freelance writing jobs as a new freelance writer is hard! I know for me, I stumbled and made poor choices that resulted in low pay or no pay. That is why I want to help new writers find writing jobs! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and commenting! I read every comment 🙂Reply to Elna
Well I feel good having gone through this in formation,I have always wanted to be I freelance writer but don’t know where to start and what I need to have to go for it.having lost my job few years go I find alot of wasted time in my hand.i really need to be on this.i think am more than ready to give a go given an opportunity to join your team.Reply to Stanley
Hi Stanley, Thanks for sharing your story! So happy to hear you want to become a freelance writer 🙂 I do provide a lot of help on my freelance writing blog, Youtube channel and in my courses for writing students! I’m here to help!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much. i just quit elementary class room teaching job. Am a stay at home mum of 5 right now and i want to start freelance writing. I cant wait to join your teamReply to Caroline
Hi Caroline, Congrats on quitting your job to become a freelance writer! You can do it and I’m here to help!Reply to Elna
Thank you for such a great piece. Am an experienced SEO writer and can write all types of niches. Am looking forward to joining your team.Reply to Lynn
Hi Lynn, That’s a great service to offer as a freelance writer! Can’t wait to enroll you in my Writeto1k course!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna ! Your information was the best I have read so far and I’ve read a few..I have a question: is it best to be a blogger before I start into freelancing?! I am starting from crumb scratching level..lol..meaning I need hand holding at this point. I am going to keep in touch!Reply to melissa
Hi Melissa, Aw! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you found some tips in my post on freelance writing jobs. As for your question, no, you don’t have to be a blogger before becoming a freelance writer. You can start from complete scratch! That’s what I teach in Write Your Way to Your First $1k…for people who are just starting out!Reply to Elna
Waoo this is such a nice read Elna. I’m a beginner in freelancing, I really hope to connect with you!Reply to Temmy
Hi Temmy, Thanks so much! Good luck with your freelance writing journey!Reply to Elna
Thanks for the great information! But I need to clarify something. In #6 of the FAQ you say; “You pitch to a job ad”. I thought the definition of pitching was to send an unsolicited query to someone out of the blue…such as to a company manager through their LinkedIn page. When responding to a job ad (or one posted on a board) they typically ask for a resume, and even if the ad says “freelance” they’re usually looking to “hire” someone.Reply to Ben
Hi Ben, What you are referring to is a cold pitch. Cold pitching is sending unsolicited pitches to companies that aren’t actively searching for freelance writers. When I say pitch to a job ad, I’m just implying the act of sending your qualifications – I wouldn’t send a resume unless they asked and not all writing jobs ask for a resume – and such.Reply to Elna
Thank you so much for your wonderful post. I want to know one thing that most of the company demand SEO-friendly writing and so on. Where I can learn SEO, article researched based writing in a short time?Reply to Sabuj
Hi! Thanks so much! You can check out my budget-friendly course Fast Track to SEO Writing: https://courses.profitablecreative.com/p/fast-track-seo-writingReply to Elna
Great, lookingforword to the courseReply to deborah
Hi Deborah! Thanks! I can’t wait to welcome you into the private Facebook group! It sure is buzzing with success stories and leads!Reply to Elna
I truly enjoyed the various ways you can become a successful freelance writer. It was very informative and well written. I thank you so much for your expertise work. It has helped me tremendously. Again, I thank you. May you continue to be Blessed with your business. Respectfully, Linda M GainesReply to Linda
Hi Linda, Thanks so much for your kind words! So happy you enjoyed this post and good luck with freelance writing!Reply to Elna
Your article is very interesting. I am seriously thinking about taking your freelance course Writeto1k that is your freelance writing course how to make money onlineReply to Jesse
Hi Jesse! That’s great to hear! My Write Your Way to Your First $1k is for new freelance writers!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna I am interested in doing online jobs but would like guidance from you. I have experience of many years in Ms office. Kindly how do I start doing jobs. Your assistance will be greatly helpfulReply to Judicr
Hi, The best is to go online first. You can draft your writing samples on MS Word and I do use MS word for my freelance writing jobs, but to market my freelance writing business I’m online and blog! I do have a course called Writer Website in a Weekend and that will help you get your writing online first. https://courses.profitablecreative.com/p/wwiwReply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’m getting back into the swing of things as far as writing again. I was a journalist for a cup of coffee years ago but have been more into op-ed pieces and more personal storytelling. I’ve recently gotten back into the swing of things by re-opening my blog and adding posts. Right now doing at least a blog post a week to maintain content and get my groove back. This is something that I would like to transition to full time. These resources you have are amazing and I’m grateful for them. I do have a question, however. How do you maintain content on a regular basis without burning out? What tips would you give? Thank you again!Reply to Jordan
Hey Jordan, That’s great you are developing a habit of writing consistently. For me, maintaining a content on a regular basis is easy for me. I absolutely love writing and freelance writing! I love creating content in general whether it’s a blog post, an email or video! If you are struggling, outline your content for your blog or freelance writing clients and set up a time every day to write!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Very new to this but I am 20k+ words in four days with a story inside my head. I like the idea of freelance and blogging but am very green about it all. I shall keep reading your advices and continue to extract the gems I find there. RayReply to Ray
Hi Ray, That’s great to hear. Learning about freelance writing will help you gain confidence and the right tools to get started! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi, Elna! Thank you for this wealth of information! I am a writer-turned teacher-turned writer again! My goal is to learn as much as I can, so that I can be highly marketable. I can write on any topic, really, but just need to hone in on content marketing! Do you have any advice for writing within that realm? Thank you!Reply to Earvina
Hi Earvina, That’s awesome you circled back to writing again! Regarding content marketing, my niche is digital marketing and content marketing falls under this niche. I do have a video to help you understand more of this freelance writing niche: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qe_0XLCvjcReply to Elna
Hi Elna! This information was so helpful! Thank you! I am really looking forward to learning to freelance! I am researching, learning, and exploring the options you wrote about. I would love any further insight to getting started…I’m anxious to be writing! Thanks again for your help!Reply to Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth, That’s great to hear! Being a freelance writer and doing freelance writing from home is awesome! What you can think about is your writing niche and then some samples in those niche topics. You can reverse engineer this by looking at job boards and seeing what types of content they need and then write the samples! It’s also good to think about having a writer websites. This is your home base and what you link to in your pitches!Reply to Elna
Thanks Elna for a very engaging introduction to freelance writing. I’m in.Reply to Gerald
Hi Elna Cain! I’m currently very interested in becoming a freelance writer!!! I found this post to be such a great help to me! I have a question. I have a lot of ideas & topics I could write about! I was wondering if you’d think that if I created an Alias instead of my name could I still be possibly successful? I was thinking something like “ThoughtJunkie” “ThinkInnerJunkie” but hitting a wall on better names. I am really quite passionate in writing, & finally trying to take a next step into the world of writing & expanding knowledge of other topics, writers & more!!Reply to Alias
Hi! It’s best to use your name or a pen name, not much of a phrase. Remember you will be invoicing clients. You can name your website the ThoughtJunkie or similar and then use a pen name – Chris Holmes – and go from there.Reply to Elna
Hello Elna. Thank you for posting this. This piece is insightful and enlightening. I am thinking of going into full freelance in 2021. Although I dabbled into it some years ago, I could not get any job due to my nationality (I am a Nigerian and we are considered as frauds). As most jobs come from abroad, anytime I tell my clients I am from Nigeria or I try to apply to websites where I can work so as to get remote jobs most especially academics, I either don’t get any or I am not accepted into the agency. This made me depressed so many times that I decided to quit freelancing and concentrate on my teaching job. However, this Covid-19 has made me realize that I needed to get a better job because my teaching job is not paying me enough and there was no support from anybody (thank God I am still single, I had to move back to squat with my mum when I could not pay my rents). I am very good in academic writing, proof reading and editing and I also manage social media accounts for organizations. I currently manage my school’s account and create compelling contents that engages audiences. I am planning on learning more about digital marketing in 2021. Thanks for this piece once again. I don’t mind if you can outsource some jobs to me. Happy Holidays.Reply to Olalekan
Hi, So sorry to hear this. For you, you have to stand out in your country to make it I feel, like Bamidele Onibalusi. He carved a brand and is now recognized as a popular writer online. It will take time but you are on the right track.Reply to Elna
What a fun and great way to make some income! I love to write! Why not get a little spending money on the side too? I’ve published a short story for a Christian magazine and would love to share my opinions and advice for the world to read and benefit from:) Thank you for sharing your tips that you have leaned along your free lance writing journey Elna! I will definitely try out some of your recommendations! I think the more we can spread positivity and joy throughout our world the better!Reply to Krista
Hi Krista! That’s great to hear! I’m actually writing a post on faith-based writing so I hope you visit again to read that post!Reply to Elna