What Is Freelance Writing (And How Do I Become a Freelance Writer)?

Let me guess – you’re wondering, what is freelance writing?

Or, how do I become a freelance writer?

If you’re like many, you wake up every morning dreading going to work. You want something different, and you’ve heard about how to get started freelance writing, but have no idea what that entails.

What Is Freelance Writing (And How Do I Become a Freelance Writer)?

Do you write for magazines?

Do you write for small business or big brands?

How do you get paid as a freelancer and where do you find freelance writing jobs?

These are all great questions about the meaning of freelance, and I’m here to help you navigate this awesome journey into becoming a successful freelance writer!

But, First – How Did I Become a Freelance Writer?

I started content writing  when my twins were around 1.5 years old, around 2014.

I was suffering from mom brain, and the only things I did were sing songs, change diapers and play with blocks.

I was craving for some grown-up interaction that didn’t involve talking about my twins (since that’s all my hubby and I talked about!).

So, he actually introduced me to freelance writing. I never looked back!

While I made several big mistakes when I first started out as a freelancer, I quickly recovered, landing my first freelance writing job just a couple months later and in six months replaced my full-time income as a teacher doing this part-time.

First big freelance work opportunity that paid a good rate of $100 a blog post

You can learn more about how I make a living as a writer here – but I wanted to tell you that I’m credible and know about this.

And, guess what? I’m STILL a freelancer.

I am updating my portfolio with new clients!

Updated writing portfolio

It is possible to quit your full-time job and get paid to write as your main hustle!

What Is Freelance Writing for Beginners?

Freelance writing, what is it really?

The freelance definition – or freelance meaning – as a writer is someone who works on a self-employed basis. You are considered an independent business owner.

You can define freelance as someone who typically writes for more than one client and are paid per writing assignment or per batch of assignments.

I have several high-paying content writing clients with recurring projects or ad hoc projects.

There are many names you can call yourself depending on what service you want:

  • Freelance Blogger – you’re a blog writer focussing is on blog posts
  • Freelance Writing Content Writer – focus is on different types of content (white paper, blog posts, eBooks…)
  • SEO Writer – SEO freelance writing provides highly optimized content for search engines as a way to rank in Google
  • Content Strategist – focus more on creative and managing content
  • Freelance Web Content Writer – focus is on providing content for the web
  • Ghost Writer – focus is on providing ghostwritten (not in your name) for eBooks, blog posts, website pages, email, white papers and more
  • Professional writer – once you’ve worked as a freelancer for a while, you can officially call yourself a professional writer

I call myself a professional writer since I’ve been a freelance writer since 2014 and am knowledgeable in my digital marketing niche.

But I primarily write blog posts for SaaS businesses (software as a service) in the B2B industry.

Blog writing is HIGHLY versatile because if you can write a blog post, you can also write:

All of those forms of content types are what businesses are seeking from a freelance writer.

So to become a freelance writer, knowing this type of writing is essential.

Types of Freelance Writing Services You Can Offer

As I just mentioned, you may choose to focus your writing on one service such as blog writing. Personally, this is the best and easiest type of freelance writing career a new writer can have.


Apart from being versatile:

Blog writing is a short project. Most blog posts are between 700-1500 words (generally. Some of my clients have me write 2000-4000 word blog posts).

Blog writing can also be recurring, rather than a one-off piece you might see as a copywriter or magazine writer.

When I first started, I chose three main services to market: blog writing, article writing, and site content. Since then, I’ve modified my services list.

As a new freelance writer, you can focus on one service or several. Here are a few services you can offer when you start out:

  • Editing – you can offer basic proofreading or a more in-depth approach called developmental editing.
  • Ghostwriting – the content you write isn’t under your name. For example, a prospective client may want you to ghostwrite an eBook under their name.
  • Copywriting – you may write copy for the web, press releases, sales pages or use your persuasive skills to update a website.
  • Social media marketing – many writers, including myself, have started offering social media marketing services. This entails handling a client’s social media accounts and updating them regularly. This can also be part of the content marketing strategy for business too.
  • Blog management – you may be responsible for managing writers for your client, editing and publishing content on your client’s website.

When thinking about your service, you should also think about what industry category you want to be in.

For example, you might ask, what is freelance technical writing or what is lifestyle freelance writing or even SEO freelance writing?

When you pick your service you should also think about the potential client and the topic.

So, if you enjoy learning about technology topics like cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, smart appliances and gadgets, then I suggest you look into becoming a technology writer.

But, if you are a mom or a student, you might enjoy being a lifestyle freelance writer. For this type of writer, you might write for magazines like Reader’s Digest or you might write for an influencer that talks about beauty and travel.

Maybe you are gung ho about learning SEO (that’s search engine optimization). In that case, you might land amazing writing jobs for small companies that need SEO content to help them rank in Google.

Types of Writing a Freelance Writer Can Offer

As an online freelance writer, I only write content for the web – nothing in print, but I’m always learning new skills.

If all you do is online content, then you’ll be in demand and have no shortage of work. Here’s just a small list of different types of content to get you started:

  • Blog posts – this is what I mostly write and what most companies online need.
  • Magazine articles – this type of writing is more formal and journalistic in nature.
  • Site content – businesses have websites with many pages. As a freelance writer, you might be assigned to write an About page or Products page. This typically falls under copywriting.
  • Email writing – emails are short pieces of content between 500-1,000 words and many businesses rely on emails to grow their income.
  • eBooks – many businesses use eBooks to attract people to their newsletter. Most eBook writing is ghostwritten, but it’s a great experience to have under your belt.
  • White papers – These are lead generating professional articles for small businesses.
  • Case studies – Like white paper writing, case studies are a high paying service to offer. You are interviewing customers and multiple clients of a company and sharing the results of their success using the client’s product or service.
  • Short projects – did you know there are dozens of short writing projects that pay hundreds of dollars? These are fast projects to write (under an hour) and they pay well. For example, a team page on a company website is made up of several bios. A freelance writer can write those bios and for $250 a bio, that’s not a bad service to offer!
  • Video scripts – Many businesses are using video marketing to gain leads. They may need a script writer to help them with their Youtube videos or course videos.
  • Sales page writing – Entrepreneurs and small businesses need an effective copywriter to help them produce marketing material like a sales page.
  • Research reports – If you ever read a report on the State of Industry or Forecast Reports in an industry then you might be surprised that a freelance writer wrote all of that!
  • Bios – companies need a writer to help them write bios for their team.
  • Infographics and other graphics – a graphic designer usually creates these graphics but they need a writer to create the words on the infographic!
  • Ad writing – write Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, LinkedIn ads, etc.. businesses need paid traffic and will hire a good freelance writer that knows how to write ads.

Figure out what type of writing you’d like to do.

Maybe eBook writing is something you enjoy as you wrote an eBook last year.

There are many solopreneurs and small business owners that need someone to write an eBook for them.

But, is there a type of freelance writing that is the most lucrative?

Yes. These are:

  • Technology
  • AI
  • SaaS
  • Real Estate
  • Law
  • Finance
  • Health and fitness
  • Web design and development writing
  • White papers and case studies
  • Sales pages
  • Video scripts
  • Insider knowledge (thought leadership)
  • Email writing

Finding Your Ideal Freelance Writing Client

From big business to the start-up company, content is needed for any type of business.

And the person that hires may look for a freelance writer for a blog job or email job for example.

I’ve had clients with start-ups, and I’ve had solopreneurs wanting my services. Figuring out your ideal client can take some time.

This might mean you take different types of freelance writing gigs in the beginning and work with different prospective clients to see which one you click with.

Make sure you read the job description from these writing jobs too. You might catch some red flags too.

Here are some other types of prospective clients you might come across in your freelance writing business:

  • Publications – These are magazines, newspapers or trade magazines.
  • Agencies – Content agencies often hire freelance writers. Many of them also have a place to have a profile of your writing ability.
  • Educational establishments – These markets need content for educational courses or e-learning material.
  • Authors – Many authors seek out ghostwriters for their books.
  • Blog owners – Niche blogs need a lot of content. Many blog owners own more than one blog and don’t have the time to write for all of them.
  • eCommerce brands – product description writing is a huge and profitable freelance writing opportunity.
  • Startups in various industries

Another thing to think of when sourcing multiple clients is how much revenue does the company make per year?

Companies that make less than $50 million a year will have a smaller content budget for a freelance writer than a company that makes more than $100 million a year.

So, consider this when trying to figure out what type of potential client you want to work with as a freelance writer.

What Does a Freelance Writer Make (And How Do You Get Paid)?


What’s great about freelance writing work is being able to earn what you want.

The more you write, the more money you can make.

But, you’re probably thinking, yeah, but what is a reasonable price for freelance writing?

What is a good rate for freelance writing?

Content prices vary drastically depending on the business using it.

For example, businesses that need hundreds of small posts or need articles that have specific keywords in them will pay a flat rate – usually $20 (or less) for a 500-word post.

My first attempt at getting paid to write was on iWriter, a place many people refer to as a content mill. These sites need quick and short posts, and they pay very little.

My first assignment was to write a toy description for $1.62. I hated it. I was spending too much time writing a silly piece and only being paid pennies.

My first freelance work pay

But, I hope you don’t go down that road!

When I escaped the content mills and started to build my own freelance writing business, I was able to land my first real client at $100 for an 800-word blog post.

And I scored this writing gig two months after deciding I wanted to be a freelance writer.

When you land your first freelance writing client, you want assurance that you’ll get paid.

And you want to have know what a fair price for entry level freelance writing work.

Typically it goes like this:

  • You send a pitch to a freelance writing job
  • The prospect emails you back wanting more details (samples of your writing, your rate, your availability)
  • You email them back your rate and anything else they request. Then you ask for their PayPal address and tell them you will invoice them after approval of your content piece.
  • (Some freelance writers send over a contract detailing the process, and project details OR the business sends you their contract).
  • You write the piece and submit it to the client
  • (Some writers ask for partial payment).
  • The client gives you feedback – hopefully positive like this (click the image to see bigger):

So, the going rate for freelance writing work starts around $.12/word. Of course, you will find freelance work that will have lower rates.

It’s up to you if you want to take that type of writing work. I would not waste my time on lower paying gigs.

Instead, I would take the time to build a freelance writing business!

Do I Need a Degree to Freelance Write?


The answer is a loud NO.

If you have a social work degree, you can be a freelance writer.

If you’re a secretary, you can be a freelance writer.

If you’re in college, you can be a freelance writer.

Anyone can be a freelance writer, BUT, you do need to know how to string words together in a coherent manner. If you have a hard time conveying your meaning on “paper,” then maybe freelance writing isn’t for you.

But, if you find writing fun, you have the passion, motivation, and persistence to really DO THIS, then you will succeed.

If you need help on getting started, here is what I suggest.

What is Freelance Writing Jobs?

As a new writer online, you’ll see many websites that say they have freelance writing jobs.

But what are they?

Mostly, companies, startups, creators, authors,  publications bloggers and more hire a freelance writer to create content.

My first freelance writing jobs was as a blog writer and you know what? It stuck!

After several years, I still get hired to write blog posts! It’s recurring money and it’s fun to write!

So, if you want to land a freelance writing opportunity, here are the steps to get started (and the steps I used too!).

4 Steps to Become a Freelance Writer

There are many ways to become a freelance writer. I only know from experience on how I became a freelance writer ( “my way” has helped thousands of writers so far…just sayin’ :-)).

1. Figure Out Your Writing Niche

The first step is usually the hardest step, and while you can side-step and go to step #2, I highly suggest you take the time to sit and think about your freelance writing niche.

Your niche is what will help you get paid for your writing.

Some expert tips to figuring out your profitable freelance writing niche:

  • Look at other successful freelance writers and see what niche they are in (I’m in the digital marketing niche!)
  • Leverage your current job
  • Use past experiences and hobbies (you may enjoy traveling, love the newborn stage of life, be into the Keto Diet)
  • Look at big brands (they most definitely have the budget for a freelance writer. Think pet food, clothing, coffee, laptops, feminine products even! The list can go on)
  • Choose a niche from the list of top niches
  • Pick a few niches to try out

When looking at your niche, I like to think of it like this: what do I like to write about, have experience in or WANT to learn more about?

What’s in the middle is your niche idea.

But, once you find a niche or a couple of niches, I want you to do an extra step that a lot of new freelance writers don’t do.

It’s researching your freelance writing niche.

Google your niche or search for businesses in that niche. For example, here’s a blog post showing the best selling baby products. Find those products and run another search for the product owner and look at their brand as a whole.

2. Create Samples to Build Your Freelance Writing Portfolio

Businesses won’t hire writers without seeing their…..writing skill!!

The best way to show your writing skills is with your freelance writing portfolio.

This showcases your best writing samples. But, how do you get these samples? The top three ways are:

Okay. So, you know you need samples to land a freelance writing job. And you know how to create them, but what should your sample be about?

I suggest you write a blog post to show your writing skill unless you know your service.

For example, if you absolutely know you want to be a press release writer, then don’t write a blog post as your sample. Write a mock press release!

But, for a lot of us, we have no idea about all of this and if we can even make it as a successful freelance writer, so make it easy on yourself and write a short blog post of about 700 words.

The topic of your blog post should be based on the niche you chose….generally. I’m going to tell you a secret now:

When I landed my first real gig, I did not have any samples in the niche of the job I landed.

I landed a job with a newspaper in the automotive section, and my samples were about: cleaning, e-learning, and mental health!

So, while it is POSSIBLE to land a gig with ANY type of sample writing topic, I suggest that it’s much easier if you have a sample in your chosen niche.

Now, to find writing sample ideas and a writing prompt to help you start your freelance writing, you can totally check out my video to help you out! And make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos!

As you can see, there are many ways to find that perfect blog post topic for your sample.

3. Have an Online Presence


For a lot of people interested in freelance writing, this is a hard part of all of this – getting online!!!

Like actually showing your face and being on social media.

For many, the thought of putting themselves out there is too much (can I give you a hug? Can I hold your hand? I’m here for you!!!) – You can do it!

What I suggest to start getting online is to sign up for Twitter and LinkedIn.

These two social media platforms have given me thousands of dollars in freelance writing jobs.

Another way to start getting online is to have your own service-based blog.

*I have a super simple step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog for your freelance writing business (and it comes with video too!)*

A blog is where you can start attracting those high-paying jobs instead of chasing jobs.

It’s a place to house your portfolio and market your services. Here is my freelance writer website.

And, you know what?

It’s a thousand times easier to land a freelance writing job when you have a website showcasing your work and service.

The other thing you should have is a tagline.

But what is a tagline in freelance writing?

This is what you can use for your website copy, your author bio and on social media.

It’s a way that sums up your writing career or YOU, as a writer.

For example, when I first started, my tagline was “I Add Color to Your Content.”

Spend the time thinking of a tagline you can use for your business.

4. Start Pitching

What is a good freelance writing cold pitch?

A cold pitch means you find a company that has a blog or email list or products and pitch your services.

You can contact them and introduce yourself using a letter of introduction, or LOI.

Or, you pitch them with a cold pitch template.

Your pitch should be short and only filled with the important things you need to reveal.

I suggest you take time developing your pitch and how you want to sound to a business.

Personally, cold pitching is a lengthly process and can take months to find your first writing job.

Now, for finding freelance writing jobs. The easiest and best way for new writers to get started is by pitching to job boards and job sites.

Here’s a Writers Work job board listing for a technical writer.

Writers Work job board

You can usually search your niche topic and find what jobs are available. I would research on the company wanting the writer to see what type of client they are.

Not all freelance writing jobs are created equal. So do your homework before you pitch.

My final suggestion is to develop a pitching process.

You don’t want to send five pitches and be done with it. You need to hustle every day and hustle hard.

The Freelance Definition Explained

Having a writing career has given me a whole new life of living. I take my twins to school, am here when they get sick for weeks at a time and can participate in the reading program at their school every week.

I can set my own rate, pick and choose the clients I want to work with and enjoy the writing I do for my clients!

If you want this yourself, join me and my students today and enroll in Write Your Way to Your First $1k!

Hi I'm Elna and I'm a freelance writer and mom blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers. Check out my free email course Get Paid to Write Online and learn the steps you need to take to be a freelance writer.

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Elna, you covered just about everything that I could want to know about freelance writing. I am doing research for a school assignment because I just changed my degree program to Creative Writing. I think I will choose this article as one of the posts I need to reference.Reply to Chastity
Hi! Thanks so much! ElnaReply to Elna
Hi Elna, thank you for sharing this insightful content.Reply to Charity
Is there anyway to be a Freelance writer and keep your content or do you basically give all of all your content away as a Freelancer?Reply to Jeremy
The content I write on MY blog and on GUEST blogs are mine since I have bylines. But I can’t go to the guest blog and say, “hey, take down my post.” I asked to write for them so I can’t say that. When I write for clients, as soon as they pay me for the content, it’s THEIRS. They can do what they like with it. Ideally, they shouldn’t touch the content, but some owners end up adding errors to your content. If that happens, I wouldn’t use it as a portfolio piece. I hope that helps!Reply to Elna
This really motivates me! I want to try, but in Spanish, because it’s my native language. However, I would like to try it in English too. Your advices are really good! Thank you!Reply to Camila
Hi Camila, Glad you enjoyed this post and you are interested in knowing what is freelance writing! I do know that people can be successful in their native language so try it out! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much, you very clear.Reply to Sipie
Hi! Thanks so much! So happy you found out what freelance writing is! Good luck landing some work!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna. You’ve been a great teacher to me. I can’t thank you enoughReply to Ngigi
Hi Elna, I am so grateful to stumble across your content. This is Day 1 of researching my idea of becoming a freelance writer so I appreciate learning from your guidance so early in my journey. I’m signed up for the MasterClass and just downloaded your business plan. It’s a great start for today. A bit overwhelming, but satisfying to take my first steps. Thanks again. Respectfully, NikReply to Nikki
hello there Elna…first of all i would like to say i found ur freelance writing journey really inspiring cause since the past few months i’ve been at a loss regarding what i should plan on my future career based on my interests..[which is mainly reading novels and writing poems and other stuff lol] I am surprised why i didnt think of freelancing and content writing before so thank you very much! By the way i would like to know if contents related to psychology and mental health be eye catching for readers or shud i approach a more random topic? pls reply and thank you in advance Elna!Reply to ayisha
Wow I’m really inspired by you ma’am thanks ?Reply to Joan
Hi Ayisha, That’s awesome you are now thinking of content writing and being a freelance writer. Regarding your question, there are lots of niches you can write about and be an authority too! I have a Booming Writing Niches Guide that tells you all those niches: https://elnacain.com/course/booming-writing-niches/Reply to Elna
Hey Elna This was really insightful and I really enjoyed reading it.Reply to Victoria
Hi Victoria, So glad to hear that! Landing a freelance writing job is a great accomplishment as a new freelance writer! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, I thank you for your heartful contributions to making sure freelancers get the best. With people like you, we know that newbies are a success already.Reply to Nuella
Hi Nuella, Thank you so much for your warm comment! I love helping brand new freelance writers get their journey on! Thanks for coming over!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna.I appreciate for your great and inspiring information on how you started from humble background to become a powerful freelancer writer you are.Am 20 years and currently studying Diploma in ICT in college and have been having interest on reading novels and having greater hopes that l will start writing jobs but wondering how I will get started.ThanksReply to Pauline
Hi Pauline, Thanks so much! Good luck with your journey and I’m here if you want to become a freelance writer online 🙂Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Thank you so much for this. I really enjoyed reading it. Please do I need a professional E-mail address to start sending out pitches to job boards or should I stick with G-mail for now?Reply to Lane
Hello Elna thank you so very much for the insightful information you have given me. I’m looking forward to becoming a pro freelancer one day. I am however anxious and nervous a bit. I am at ground level and unsure how to start offReply to Peterson
Hi Peterson, Thank you so much! Taking the step into freelance writing doesn’t have to be hard, but I know it can be challenging with anxious feelings. Just take it one step at a time and you’ll be a great freelance writer 🙂Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Thank you so much for this useful content, I’m 19 and almost have potential in writing so this helped me a lot to earn some money and pay for my college expenses. May you always be successful!??Reply to Sonia
Hi Sonia, You’re welcome! So happy you want to be a freelance writer! I hope you find some amazing freelance writing jobs!
Hi Lane, You can use a Gmail account. Just make sure you have a good writer website and author bio!Reply to Elna
Thank you for this piece, Elna, it is really informative! Please do I need to have a professional email address to send out pitches or should I stick to Gmail for now?Reply to Lane
Hi Lane, It’s best to have a professional email address so that you can keep your business separate from your personal life!Reply to Elna
Hey I am almost 14 year old girl and I am looking for a way to earn some money. I was wondering if this is an age requirment job? Do you have to be a bit older?Reply to Cheyenne
You can probably get paid if you write on Medium and other platforms. But to make this a business, I would wait until you are almost finished high school!Reply to Elna
Hi , actually I am a teenage girl who was looking for a way to earn money so I can help out my family. Then I found your website and your words inspired me and made me realize that I can become a writer or something like that. Actually.. um.. in the past I made short stories based on quotes and there was a time when I even tried to write a novel but failed to do so because I am bad at making long chapters or to say making something lengthy ? I don’t have the right words for this. In the first day my novel got a ton of views because of its description( What I am trying to say is that I can only write short stories) but all the readers left reading as I couldn’t meet their expectations in the long run.And the same thing happened when I tried to wrote a chat story in an app. Sigh!! I know I am asking for more but can I become a ghost writer or something in my current state. Please reply.Reply to Zohra
Hey Zohra, That’s create you wrote a short story! That’s a big accomplishment that other writers haven’t done yet. As for writing longer content, that will take time. When I first started I couldn’t write 3,000 word in-depth blog content. That took me a few years to practice. So start a blog and practice writing! You’ll discover your writing voice and from there you can start freelance writing!Reply to Elna
Hi I’m interested in becoming a freelance writer I don’t have a degree I just feel that I have as you say a niche for expressing myself kind like a pholosefer if that’s the correct wording for it Lol. I’m a Christian man so I would probably be sharing God’s word and my testimony and other ideas of courseReply to Carlos
Hi Carlos, The Christian niche is a niche you can try for freelance writing. I know in the blogging world, it’s very profitable!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna hi! I am Grateful about your way of explaining what a freelance writer is all about. Now I really dont Understand Pretty Much every thing you said in full details. However I do wanna Write about Sports stuff if possible. Now Is okay to have your Email Address to ask some additional Questions and on how I can start 1 step at a time? Also what is the meaning of Niche Exactly, I am Guessing its what type of Topic you want to write about right? Do you also hire new writers, hence you have your own Writing company?Reply to Musa
Thanks for stopping by! You can use my contact form if you have a question! Sports writing is a fun writing job! I have a post on some of the best sports writing jobs to have: https://elnacain.com/blog/sports-writing-jobs/ Good luck!Reply to Elna
What do you write about? Or do you get work from people and rewrite? I need to understand.Reply to Natalie
Hi Natalie, I write in the digital marketing niche. So brands and businesses hire me to write blog posts for them. But, as a freelance writer you can write white papers, case studies, resumes, landing pages, articles, brochures, etc. Find what you enjoy and then market that service. Rewriting falls under editing. You can also market editing services alongside your writing service too! I did a few editing projects when I first started and it was a nice break from writing!Reply to Elna
I am a collage student,i also want to start freelance writing and i like to write on tech ,should i chose a particular portion in tech or write about random stuff?Reply to Ahmed
Hello Ahmed, I studied software engineering but I was always passionate about writing. I started doing freelance writing when in college. I started writing for academic writing companies and I was making good money. After college I specialized in web development and content writing.Reply to Shane
Hi Ahmed, I do have a blog post about tech writing jobs to search for that! You can pick general tech issues if you want!Reply to Elna
Hi, is it possible to research and then write while offline and then paste on a space to submit an article?Reply to luke
Hi Luke, You can definitely write offline using Microsoft Word and then copy and paste into a G doc or wherever online! Just make sure you do your online research and copy and paste those links before you go offline!Reply to Elna
Hi, first of all thank you for this post, very helpful. I’ve been meaning to start a blog to dedicate myself to writing, I have a college degree, but do you think I would need any sort of certification in digital marketing ? Also the niche I’m interested in has to do with self help and spirituality, do you think that would have clients ? Thank you and take careReply to Rose
Hi Rose! That’s awesome you want to become a freelance writer and start freelance writing at home! As for extra certification I do dive into that in my premium course, Write Your Way to Your First $1k, but what I can say is that it can help, but it’s not necessary to land freelance writing jobs. As for your writing niche topics, those do have jobs for sure, you just have to pin point the ideal client or market you seek!Reply to Elna
Hello! I came to your site hoping to find more info on how I can create a blog. I love writing, and I already have a good idea of what topics I will write about. When I realized that I can make a profit from doing this, it made me even more intrigued. This is definitely something I would love to do. The only thing that may stand in my way is the fact that I’m just 15 years old. Does this hold me back in any way from doing the things listed in this post? I would really appreciate your feedback!Reply to Lucy
Hi Lucy! Thanks for coming over! Glad you enjoyed this post on figuring out what is freelance writing! As a teen you CAN make it as a freelance writer. It just might mean writing for businesses that appeal to the teen market.Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’m about to begin my senior year of high school in a couple of months and have started considering freelance writing to help pay for college. I’m pretty advanced in writing for my age and was wondering what types of companies I would reach out to, considering I’m still in high school and have no experience? If anything, I would really like to edit for other people, that’s my strong suit. Thank you!Reply to Kayla
Hi Kayla, Thanks for coming over! As for companies that pay writers, the best way to start as a new freelancer is to look at job boards. Go ahead and search on this blog for writing jobs. I have a ton of blog posts talking about jobs. You can also enroll in my free course and I walk you through the steps you need to land your first client.Reply to Elna
Hi I’m Srishti Suman a college going girl in India . I just liked your article on freelancer writers, it just motivated me though I m not into a freelance writing but I think I can make it unto something . Thanks that’s a only word I could say to you as of now 🙂 🙂Reply to Srishti
Hi, So happy you found freelance writing! Good luck and make sure to practice writing in English!Reply to Elna
Hi there! I saw your Master Class deal for $9 the other day. Wow, that’s a great price! But I haven’t been able to find it again. Could you provide the link so I can sign up? I’m currently a Communications and Media Specialist for a company that offers tax advantaged accounts (FSA, HSA, etc.). I just applied for a Marketing Writing job in Chicago, also related to benefits. I enjoy writing (I have my own blog) but have started to despise my corporate 9-5 office job that forces me to do activities other than writing. I know I can write but am scared of leaving a job where I make $45K+ and receive health benefits and retirement pay. How do I plan for those costs? Your writing and posts are inspirational. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!Reply to JoMarie
Hi JoMarie, Unfortunately the masterclass is only offered for $9 for 15 minutes after signing up to my email list. If you miss that window the price goes up to $19. Here’s the page: https://elnacain.com/course/freelance-writing-prep/Reply to Elna
Hi! I was intrigued about freelance writing and found this post. As I read I realised I wanted to be a freelance writer (part time) but I have no experience (higschool) or an extensive social media following. Is there any suggestion you can give me about how I could begin, relating to poetry and fiction writing?Reply to LilacSky
Hi! That’s great you want to be a freelance writer. In all honesty though, fiction and poems aren’t things that brands and companies are looking for in a freelance writer. Writing for businesses is nonfiction and it’s filled with engaging writing and storytelling. But, I’m sure there are places to sell your poems! Just look around!Reply to Elna
Hello. I am college educated with no freelance experience at all. I also have no obvious online presence or niche. But I would like to start and slowly build up to something worthwhile. Can someone like myself with no training or obvious skills work to build up as a paid freelance writer?Reply to Myra
Hi Myra, Of course! That’s what I did. When I first started I was college educated with no freelance experience or business experience whatsoever! So I learned and made a ton of mistakes and here I am today! 🙂 That’s why I started this blog and created products for new freelance writers – I didn’t want them to make the same mistakes or take long to gain their first client and start making a living as a writer!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’m a soon to be mommy I’m 20 years old and I really love to write but I’m stuck on what my niche is. I use to write essays for college about history and comparing and contrasting. Is there something like that out thereReply to Emily
Hi Emily, Typically history is a hard niche to find businesses but you might be able to make some money with magazines or publications. Take a look at my creative freelance writing jobs to see if history is in that list (I know art and politics are). https://elnacain.com/blog/creative-freelance-jobs/Reply to Elna
This is it. I’m trying something new! Thank you for all the information.Reply to Martina
Hi Martina, So glad this guide on what is freelance writing is exactly what you wanted to know!Reply to Elna
Hello, I am going wild with research using your blogs about Freelance Writing. I am about to throw myself headfirst into this as a career path. I am noting all of your advice. Thanks so much for being so clear!Reply to Lexie
Hi Lexie! That’s awesome you are diving head first into freelance writing! Have fun learning!Reply to Elna
Well outlined and precise. This couldn’t be any clearer and encouraging for me. Thank you Elna Cain.Reply to Catherine
Hi Catherine, Thank you so much! Glad you like the outline on this post on what is freelance writing! Thanks for coming over!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna! I am looking to make a career switch from working with disabled students in a regular classroom setting to online freelance writing. I have many years in the past working as a medical transcriptionist – a field that has fizzled due to automated voice software. Is there work online as a freelance writer with reasonable medical knowledge? I don’t have a BA degree, so working as a “medical editor” is not within reach. Thanks – I’m signing up for your course; it’s the best one I’ve found online! :^)Reply to Shari
Hi Shari, Medical writing is a great niche to break into as a freelance writer. As long as you have some credibility as a medical writer (ie. with your samples and guest posting) then you can land clients in this niche!Reply to Elna
Thanks so much, now I can take that plunge I was scared to take! Awesome…Reply to Gloria
Thanks for this information. I have creative poetry writing skills and i have quite written some but i don’t really know the niche i belong to. please help me out. Thanks.Reply to paul
Could someone like me who feels so lazy when it comes to writing but deep down, I know very well that I really do love writing, possibly become a freelancer?Reply to Teetee
Hi Teetee, The answer is yes! As long as you can have the confidence to share your writing then you can get paid for your writing!Reply to Elna
I don’t have any particular niche to write on, but very often I find something in life which I woukd like to research on, get the answer, try to create my way of thinking and action to share with others. So where should I look for as a start to be a freelance writer?Reply to Lily
Hi Lily, If you aren’t tied to any particular niche, then you can start first by searching job boards to see if any jobs catch your fancy! From there you can hopefully land some gigs and go from there!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, im a writer and a poet, i write speeches and articles in various topics and i as well have a blog (wordpress). I would love my writings to earn me money. how do i enter into such a world? Please advice.Reply to Karolina
Hi Karolina, I would work on gaining more samples and social proof and from there find out where your clients hang out and go there to promote your business!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, I’m trying to get a foot into the world of freelance writing, however, my only experience is writing essays and short fictional stories, how could I possibly become a freelance writer with those skills?Reply to Alissa
Hi Alissa, I suggest you take my free course Get Paid to Write. It can help you understand more of what is required for freelance writing! I would also encourage you to read blog posts in varying topics. See how these posts are written and how they are marketed. This can give you an upper edge when you become a freelance writer! https://elnacain.com/course/getpaid/Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, I just went through your article and I loved it. I loves to write and also I do have a blog page more specific about dreams and self motivation. I want to be a freelance writer so can you please guide me in the same direction.Reply to Cherry
Hey Cherry! This post can help you understand what is freelance and all that comes with being a freelance writer. Make sure to enroll in my free course to help you land your first gig!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I really enjoyed reading your article.I love enjoy writing especially love stories and relationship advice.Is there any way I can land myself a free Lance writing job.thank you.Reply to Mercy
Hey Mercy, Thanks so much! As for love stories and things like that, I would reach out to those niche authors and see if they need a ghostwriter! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hey there! My name is Kayla, and im a 24 yr old single mother. I love to write, especially fantasy. Are there any freelance writing that would encourage fantasy writing. I also am interested in writing beauty blogs as well.Reply to kayla
Hi Kayla, That’s a great question! I’m not too familiar with fiction freelance writing but that’s something worth looking into! Maybe authors or some book publishers are seeking this type of content that you can offer!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! I loved this article and it has helped me so much. I am curious though, how old do I need to be to begin freelance writing? I am 16 and writing is my passion! However I doubt clients would consider me at my age.Reply to Kaitlyn
Hi Kaitlyn, Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. As for your age, as long as you don’t make it known on your writer website and look professional and act professional you should be fine. But, I do know that Lauren Tharp has a site for people like you: https://littlezotzteens.com/Reply to Elna
Hey there Elna! It is hard not being repetitive, but thank you for all of your engaging blog posts. They really are an enjoyable read, and very helpful as I start my new journey into freelance writing and blogging. I am hoping to follow your lead in becoming a work-from-home mommy. I have a lot of work to do, fine crafting and researching my niche, while building my sample writing before my website and blog officially launch. (YAY!) But honestly, you make all of these overwhelming tasks seem simple by following your blog. Thank you.Reply to Jordon
Hey Jordon! Thank you for your kind words! Congrats on wanting to be a work at home mommy! Understanding what is freelance writing is a big help for taking action in this industry. You know what you need to do to get started so good luck and reach out to me any time you need help!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’m not sure when you’ll see this comment. But when you do, this question may sound a bit weird and possibly stupid. Starting off, I’m right now 13 years old and want to be a freelance writer or editor. But, I don’t know how to start because I don’t have a PDF, via, or anything else like that. Do I have to wait until I grow up to start? Or maybe I’m to young? I have all A’s in my classes, but I’m not sure if that’s enough. Thanks for reading.Reply to Vivian
Hi Vivian! Thanks so much for stopping by. Happy to hear you are interested in doing this at such a young age. You know what? I feel Lauren of Little Zotz is a better mentor/teacher for teens. She has a site dedicated to you! https://littlezotzteens.com/Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thank you so much for giving such comprehensive insight into successful freelance writing. I’m a teacher in Nigeria and I long to be a freelance writer too but I’m nervous to start. You have inspired me with your advice and and success story. I will subscribe for more help from you to enable me actualize my dream. I’m grateful.Reply to Justin
Hi Justin, That’s awesome you found a guide to boost you to become a freelance writer! Thanks so much for being a follower!Reply to Elna