How to Start Freelance Work From Home as a Writer (For Good)

Are you ready to join the ranks of other freelance writers and become a full-time freelance writer yourself?

If so, then I’m super excited for you as I’ve been a freelance writer for over five years and I make a living doing this – and I have twins too!

Freelance writing has given me the chance to be able to start freelance work at home as a mom and be with my twins. My twins actually don’t know anything different than the life we have given them – a mom and dad that works at home (my husband works from home also!).

How to Start Freelance Work From Home as a Writer (For Good)

Quitting your full-time job to become a freelance writer isn’t impossible. I know many people who have done just that – and they’re now making a living from freelance writing.

To get to that spot you need a plan, and this guide will help you form a solid plan so that you can prepare to work at home and quit your job for good.

To Start Freelance Work From Home You Need to Think (and Dream) Big

 We all have dreams. You know, the ones that you can’t possibly believe will ever happen.

Like being financially free…

Like making enough to buy that house you’ve always wanted…

Like being able to stay home and raise your children…

Those are the dreams I want you to think of when you start deciding you want to ditch the full-time job and work at home. Because when you freelance work from home, you will have ups and downs, losses and wins and you need those dreams to anchor you and make you believe that writing for a living is entirely possible.

As the first “lesson” BEFORE we get into the plan to quit your job for good, write down those dreams and aspirations.

Why? Because the journey to becoming a full-time freelance writer can be a lot of work.

Sometimes we all get discouraged and having your dreams on display will serve as daily reminders to keep you motivated and moving forward.

I also hope this guide will give you that extra kick in the butt to take action and actually ditch your full-time job! 

How I Became a Freelance Writer

I’ve been freelance writing part-time (and making a full-time income) while taking care of my twins for almost five years. I write for Huffington Post, OptinMonster, Blogging Wizard and more. I also ghostwrite for many big name entrepreneurs and bloggers.

I work hard and I stay true to my roots, which is blogging and writing – and I teach what I know.

I LOVE writing and I love getting paid to write even more. I spend around five hours a day writing for my clients and for myself. The rest of the time I take care of my twins, have play dates, go to the park, and try to create home-cooked meals during the week!

But, I didn’t start out like this.

After my maternity ended, I needed to find a way to contribute to our finances. I knew I didn’t want to go back to my job in the school system, so I had to find a way to make money at home.

That’s when my husband mentioned doing something online. I found out that many mom bloggers were offering services on the side and one of them was freelance writing.

I started researching what is freelance writing and found that I can do that! And I did!

Now, even though I wasn’t working full-time before I decided to start a freelance writing business, I can still help you achieve your goal of quitting your job for good and working from home.

Okay. So let’s go through the steps to get to your final day at your job and to your first day of freelance work at home writing.

1 Set a Date to Quit and Make It Real

If you just figure you’ll quit your job once you’re making a set amount of dollars per month, there isn’t any real motivation to reach any of your goals.

Life (or TV or Facebook or going out with friends) will always get in the way and what should realistically take months, could take years – or longer.

Making the jump from full-time worker to a full-time freelance writer is a big move. That’s why you have to have a plan to make it happen. Most of the time, if you don’t write it down, it’s like it never happened.

To make your transition more tangible, set a timeframe of when you plan on going freelance. By doing this, it can help you stay accountable and motivated for when times are a bit rough.

It may sound silly to set your “job quitting date” before you even have a single client, but it’s not. Set a goal, and work to achieve it. That’s how businesses are built.

When making your timetable, make sure to consider not only your financial picture but also how you’re going to leave your job. Are you going to make a clean break or – if it’s an option – transition gradually?

A couple of things to take into account are:

  • How will your expenses change once you quit your job? For example, you may save on gas and commuting, but you may spend more for health insurance.
  • Is your company interested in retaining you as a part-time consultant? This can help the company transition and provide you with some guaranteed income while you navigate the solopreneur lifestyle.

That’s why it’s important to start tracking your current budget and to start building your bootstrapping budget.

To help you visualize this more and to make it more real, go ahead and grab the free timetable page, budget tracker page and the bootstrapping tracker sheet.

Use these sheets to help you look at your budget to find a way to start living minimally to save up for this transition to self-employment.

2 Make Realistic Goals to Become a Freelance Writer

Everyone chooses to quit their job and want to work from home for different reasons. After making a timetable of when you plan on leaving your job, figure out the big goals you want to achieve in that time frame.

I call this your All-Star Goal team. There are two types of goals that make up the All-Star Goal team:

  • SMART goals
  • Stretch goal

In my advanced freelance writing course Write Your Way to Your First $1k, I talk about setting SMART goals to help assess and measure the progress of your steps in your business plan.

It’s also a great way to keep yourself accountable since becoming a freelance writer means you’ll be your own boss and motivator to get the job done. SMART goals are smaller goals to get you to your end goal (for now it’s to work at home and become a freelance writer) quicker and more efficiently.

For example, your goal might be this:

I want to replace my day job income while having the freedom and flexibility of taking time off work whenever I want.

With SMART goals you can break this big goal down and make it more likely to happen.


  • (S)pecific – be as specific as possible on what you want to accomplish and how to do it. You can list requirements and tools you need to make it happen.
  • (M)easurable – find a way to measure your goal (your timetable can help you measure your goals) and progress.
  • (A)ttainable – look at the logical steps you need to take to accomplish your goal.
  • (R)elevant – is it actually possible to work on your goals or is there something holding you back (school, child care, motivation)? Once you identify those blockers you can work on making your goals relevant.
  • (T)ime-bound – how long will it take to work on this goal? When will I start?

Stretch Goal

A stretch goal is a goal that inspires you to think big, and it helps you stay focused on the bigger picture. For example, a stretch goal for you might be:

I want to make $4,000/month from freelance writing.

This goal has no time frame, but you can set a time frame if that helps motivate you to take action.

When I started freelancing writing, my goals were simple. My husband was making enough income to support us as a family but I didn’t want that burden to fall all on him.

I enjoyed working and I knew I had to contribute to the finances now that we had twins. So my initial goal was to find a way to contribute to our finances and also stay home and raise my twins.

My initial income goal – once I decided on freelance writing as my way to stay home with my twins – was to land at least one freelance writing job within four months or so.

I was fortunate to hit that goal a full two months ahead of schedule!

For you, I want you to take some time to figure out your SMART goals and your stretch goal. Write these goals down or share them on social media! Whatever it takes to keep you accountable!

3 Work on Your First 3 Freelance Writing Business Tasks

You are a freelance writer in training. You need to make sure this will work out before you make the biggest change of your life (potentially).

When you quit your job, you suddenly become the boss – you are responsible to make the income, to market your business and to find the work.

You are going to wear a lot of hats but, for many of us, that’s the best feeling ever!

Let’s go over the preliminary tasks you need to do to ensure that when you make the switch, you are successful.

1 Conduct Market Research

Do you even know if freelance writing is a viable option? Or, is the niche you want to write in (the topic you want to get paid to write about) is even profitable?

To find out start conducting market research before you make the leap into freelance writing. This ensures you’ve risked nothing except your time.

But, where do you look?

Here are my two favorite places to find out if there is a need for writers: job boards and social media (Facebook groups).

a) Job Boards

First see what types of jobs there are. You can quickly see what online businesses are seeking for content jobs. Now, freelance writing job boards aren’t the only source for online gigs.

There is:

  • Cold pitching – you seek out brands and businesses and pitch your writing to them. This eliminates competition.
  • Warm pitching – connecting with brands and businesses on social media and responding to their questions or commenting on their content. You get on their radar and over time they may seek you out for content writing.
  • Networking – through online connections with other writers, friends, family or other businesses, you might land work that way.

But, for the new freelance writer, freelance writing job boards are an easy and effective way to find a gig quickly. From there, you want to see if the jobs are worth it. What are the rates for these freelance writing jobs?

Depending on where you look, jobs vary from $20 for 1,000 words to $1 per word.

b) Join Facebook Groups

If you don’t already have a Facebook account, get one! You’ll need it for sure if you want to get writing clients.

One of the best ways to decide if there’s a market out there for freelance writing gigs is to check Facebook groups where your potential clients hang out in.

If you want to work with small businesses (the best group – in my opinion, since there’re a lot of small businesses online today) you might want to check out FB groups that attract entrepreneurs.

For example, Pat Flynn – passive income guru – has a Facebook community filled with entrepreneurs and small businesses that need your content 🙂

2 Set Your Rate

Now is a good time to start thinking about your rate. Your rate is fluid, which means you don’t have to keep it at one price point. You can jump up, stay the same or even lower your rate depending on certain circumstances (offering a discount for bulk content).

To start thinking about this, go here to set your rate.  Once you plug in your numbers you get an hourly rate.

As a freelance writer, I find it’s best to charge per project, based on how quickly you can research and write the content. $94 an hour can equate to around $100 per 1000 words (if you can write 1,000 quality words in an hour).

For more help, here is a guide on how to set your freelance writing rate.

3 Fail Fast

What if you take the leap into working from home, and three months down the road you find out there is no market for your service?

Or, you find out the niche you are in – maybe it’s parenting, home decor or personal development – just isn’t paying the bills?

If you end up failing, the best thing you can do is fail fast.

What does this mean?

Accept that you need to change what you’re doing and move on to the next thing. This means if plan A doesn’t work, go to plan B or even plan C.

It might mean you end up pivoting to something else that’s more profitable.

You could enroll in a course or hire a coach or mentor to help take your business to the next level. This may give you more skills you can add to your list of services, diversifying your portfolio and ensuring more consistent work.

Start looking online for freelance writing jobs and finding where your prospects might be on social media. Use this free worksheet to go through job boards, blog posts and social media platforms to see if this is a viable choice for you.

4 Try Freelance Work at Home As a Side Hustle

It’s time to get all your ducks in a row and try moonlighting as a freelance writer.

What’s nice about side hustling is that if you end up failing, that’s okay because you can keep trying other strategies while still working full-time.

This is the time where you can see if you can actually land a freelance writing job. You can see for yourself if you have it in you to actually be a freelance writer (because not everyone is cut out to be a freelancer).

Let’s go over what you need to do to have a successful side hustle as a freelance writer.

1 Find the Time

This can be hard when you work all day, but if you want to change all that, you need to find the time to side hustle.

Whether it’s in the wee hours of the morning before work, or the late hours after everyone is sleeping, find a time when you can be your most productive.

When I started my freelance writing business I could only work on it when my twins were napping. There was no time when my twins were awake that I could devote 100% to my business.

My twins needed changing, feeding, play time, and there was laundry, bottle prepping, pumping and more. So, nap time and when they went to sleep for the night were the only two times in a day that I could work on landing freelance writing jobs.

This equated to around 5 hours a day (if I worked all night).

Once you figure out the time (during your lunch break, on the weekends, before you work, etc..) you need to stick to it. Write it down and hold yourself accountable to that time!

2 Set Up a Website

One of the best marketing tools you can have is a freelance writer website. Your website or blog will do most of the work for you.

If you feel you don’t have the tech to set this up, I have two options for you. I have a DIY tutorial with a video to show you how to initially start your website.

I also have a step-by-step video course on setting up your entire website.

When it comes to setting up your website, make sure you have these pages:

  • About page – market your services on this page too.
  • Services – lay out exactly what you will do with clients. Is it only blog posts or do you also do emails/press releases/eBooks?
  • Portfolio – while you can house your portfolio on Contently, I like to have a page on my site dedicated to my sample writing.
  • Contact page – list social media links, email, phone number, Skype ID, and have a contact form on this page.

You might be thinking, do I really need a website to start freelance writing?

Yes, and no.

If you need some quick cash you don’t, but if you truly want to make a living as a writer, then yes, you need a website. You may start initially with:

  • A Facebook page
  • Portfolio site
  • LinkedIn profile

And that’s okay. This is a side hustle and you have to ensure if this is a viable option. But the funny thing is, if you don’t use the right tools, you really won’t know if what you are doing will be successful.

So think about it!

3 Get a PayPal Account

You want to get paid right?

PayPal is a universal online payment system, and most businesses and solopreneurs use it.

There is a small transaction fee of 2.9% so just chalk it up to doing business. Since you’ll be using your PayPal account for your side hustle, opt for a business account if you want, but it’s probably not necessary at first if you’re just freelancing it up.

You’ll be able to send invoices to your clients and receive payments from your customers.

4 Track Your Projects

I personally use Google Sheets and Trello to track my client work/income, and my blog posts.

Whether it’s in your notebook or on Excel, find a system for you that works and that you can track:

  • Earnings
  • Expenses
  • Invoices sent
  • Editing process
  • Payments

5 Create A Sample of Your Writing and Start Pitching

Here is where it gets real. You need samples of your writing to impress potential clients.

The best way is to guest post on other people’s sites. The next best thing is to create a post on LinkedIn or Medium – a blogging platform.

What should you write about as your first sample?

Ideally, the freelance writing niche you want to get paid for.

You decide on your niche by your experience and what you want to learn more about.

I started freelance writing with choosing parenting and natural health as my main niche topics. Over time I was learning more about marketing my business and fell in love with that content.

I then focussed on attracting digital marketing clients.

So, it’s okay to let your niche reveal itself over time! This might be the best thing for you!

5 Start Saving So You Can Work At Home

Now is the time to set a routine to incorporate freelance writing into your day. Try it out for a week or two and see if this is a possible plan for you. A hard fact to swallow is that many freelance writers fail within the first few years.

The reason? Because they didn’t plan this out! You are  forming a plan and system to ensure that when you decide to work at home, you will ultimately succeed.

Now that you are finding your freelance writing groove, the next step is to start saving. And with that extra income you’ll receive from landing your first freelance writing job, you can start to build a cushion of savings for when you quit your job to pursue this full-time.

How much should you save?

According to experts, the standard is to save three to six months’ worth of your income to account for any emergencies, slow periods of work and client attrition. For freelancers with obligations like a family or a mortgage, however, I recommend saving six to twelve months’ worth of expenses.

Freelance writing can be a bit of a roller coaster (if you don’t land recurring work) when you’re first starting out and having those extra funds to help you invest in your freelance writing biz – and to live off of – can really help you make a go out of this.

So, for any money you earn from your new business, put it in a separate savings account.

This will also influence your big goal of wanting to work at home and make the transition to freelance writer easier.

For some ambitions writers who side hustle first, within three short months, they can replace their full-time income with freelance writing for good. So, it is entirely possible to have your freelance writing take off on the right foot and generate income for you.

6 It’s Time To Make the Leap and Freelance Work At Home

Are you pumped? Excited?

The time has come to make the leap a reality. By this time you’re now juggling your full-time work and your side hustle. The time you originally set to achieve your big goal is fast approaching.

Before the time comes to hand in your resignation, here are a few things to make sure you have in order before cutting ties with your employer for good – and taking your side hustle to full-time status.

1 Secure Enough Online Writing Gigs Beforehand

Are you making SMART goals? This can help you right now when you start planning your exit strategy.

How many writing gigs do you need to feel safe enough to quit your job for good? Some gigs may only pay $100 per post and you are only writing 1 post a week for that client.

This isn’t enough to quit your job. You may need to pick up three more weekly content clients to feel safe enough to quit for good. Other projects are long term projects and can pay on a retainer.

Freelance writer Cheri Read was able to quit your job within 3 months with retainer clients.

You’ve saved enough income for slow periods, so now you need to look at whether or not the clients you have will allow you to cover your expenses – and then some – every month.

When that time comes, you know with certainty that you can live comfortably from your freelance writing income alone, and can finally quit your job.

2 Have a Plan to Land More Freelance Writing Jobs

Something you will learn quickly is that you always should be hustling even when you have enough work to live by.

Because you never know if a client will suddenly stops emailing you for no reason at all, or instead of the three posts a month they may drop down to one post a month.

It happens, and it has happened to me. That’s why you need to have a plan to land more freelance writing clients.

Typically, you want to work on reducing or eliminating lower-paying clients as you start to replace them with higher-paying clients. This will free up some time and move you up the pay scale.

Part of your plan to land more projects is to start building that online presence. This means having some social media profiles. The two best social media platforms to try are Twitter and LinkedIn.

On these platforms you should be doing everything possible to get your name and services out there in front of potential clients. Some quick social media marketing tactics are:

  • Share a brand’s blog post (a brand you want to write for)
  • Respond to a brand’s tweet or LinkedIn post
  • Tag a brand on a guest post of yours if you feel their audience would enjoy that content (and it’s relatable)

3 Make the Leap into Freelance Work at Home

When you’re ready, you can be confident that you can take that leap you’ve always wanted, and you’ll be able to start making a living from writing.

Being a freelance writer has allowed me to stay home with my twins, take care of them and live the life that I want. I can go to the park during the day, or we can take a trip as a family to the lake and know that I’m in charge of my potential.

Are You Ready?

I have laid out roughly a 6 week plan to say goodbye to that full-time job and say hello to freelance writing. Every person’s journey is different, but I hope that this plan can help you figure out the critical steps to make this happen.

And to ensure your success, I encourage to level up your plan by enrolling in Write Your Way to Your First $1k. Many students have made their first $1k and more within a few short weeks of taking my course!

Now, it’s your turn! Are you ready?

Tell me in the comments what your plan is to quit your job so you can work at home.

Hi I'm Elna and I'm a freelance writer and mom blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers. Check out my free email course Get Paid to Write Online and learn the steps you need to take to be a freelance writer.

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Hi Elna! I’m JJ and I’ve just enrolled in your online course. The post is very helpful however there is a double “to” in section 2. Hope you can fix it so the next one who read it will find it perfectly. “Part of your plan to land more projects to to start building that online presence. This means having some social media profiles. The two best social media platforms to try are Twitter and LinkedIn”. Thanks for your information.Reply to JJ
Hi JJ, Thanks so much for spotting out my grammar mistake! I fixed it. I hope you enjoy my Writeto1k course!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! My name is Anthony. I have been trying to become a freelance writer for almost a full year and I only just now beginning to get the recurring work coming my way. It is partly due to this article, I cannot lie! I can’t thank you enough for this information. I have come back to this article so many times already and the knowledge just keeps coming. My plan was similar to yours but I was recently let go from my full time job and I decided to dedicate all of my time to writing which along side your information here and my persistence, I am able to start making income from it. Again, thank you so much! AnthonyReply to Anthony
Hi Anthony, That’s so great to hear! I’m sorry about you losing your job but glad that you have a plan. Good luck in finding freelancing writing work and if you need more help you can definitely enroll in my Writeto1k course! This is where I have my best information to help you succeed quicker!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, This post was informative and just the push I needed to get my butt going with freelance writing. I already have your ready set blog for traffic and freelance writing prep course. I am wondering if I should go ahead with the write your way to 1k or the freelance blogging in a weekend? All your courses look so good and I want them all! lol Thank you so much, Elna! SophieReply to sophie
Hey Sophie, Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by! As for the differenced between Writeto1k or FBW – Writeto1k is a business course to get your freelance writing business off on the right foot. I show you everything you need (except some tech videos) including copywriting for your website, blog writing, SEO primer, dealing with invoices, growing your business and more. FBW is more of a writing course to help you increase your value as a writer and charge more. So I dive deep into long-form writing, SEO writing and writing specific forms of writing like an ultimate guide and review post! I hope this helps. If you need more help just email me!Reply to Elna
A great article, but one problem may arise with different freelance marketplaces and websites. Some of them are dedicated to writing, corpywriting and all things related, but others offer a much broader scope of areas and thus are more popular and have more people there. On one hand, this means that there are much more buyers who may be interested in you as a writer. The other side is competition because there are many newbies and people who are ready to do anything cheap and fast, disregarding the quality. All you need is patience and quality, and you’ll get your share of good projects and orders relatively soon. But one final piece of advice would be to browse the net a look for less crowded places. Take Insolvo for instance. It is secure, fast, and not crowded yet. Perfectly suitable both for freelancers and buyers. That is one option, and there are plenty available, so don’t be afraid to experiment.Reply to Greg
Hi Elna! Thank you. Really appreciate for your writing. This is very inspiring and answers for so many questions. I am exactly like your position, want to stay home, taking care of my son and help my husband extra something. I have a question, do you think who can write creative writing or literature oriented, they can write professional writing? I love to write my stories, poems, travel, but I am not sure as a freelance writing I will do good. What do you think? Of course I am thinking seriously your suggestion about this profession. And also English is my 2nd language.Reply to Israk
Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by! As for your question, you can transition from academic writing to content writing, but it will take some re-learning! Here’s a post on Freelancer FAQs that will help: to Elna
Hi Elna, I think now is the time to fully do what I am passionate about. The content you have in this article has encouraged me all the more. This article offers a practical approach that I have been seeking for quite some time. I will be taking the course.Reply to Fran
Hi Fran, Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed this course and YAY YAY YAY! Can’t wait to welcome into the Writeto1k course 🙂Reply to Elna
Hi I always feel my motivation skyrocketing, when I read your posts. Everytime I am discouraged, I find myself clinging onto one of them. English is my second language but I love to speak, read and write in English. Do you think non-native English speakers can make it that well? Thanks..Reply to Deepti
Hi Deepti, Yes, there are many successful non-native English speakers killing it as a freelance writer. Here’s a post to inspire you: to Elna
So great article, my wife is writing her novel so how she can earn from that and how to publish ? Do you provide any paid course related to that and also she want to be an ghost writer .Reply to Jakson
Hi Jackson, Thank you so much! Wow! That’s amazing that your wife is writing a novel! I could never do that! As for publishing, it’s popular do to self-publishing. You can find that on Google or Youtube. Good luck!Reply to Elna
This is interesting. You compel me to work hard using my writing skills. Honestly, I don’t have any experience working for a company, but I anticipate to outgrow my system belief that I cannot work for my whole life and have a stable income. I am fascinated by the course you are telling me. May I know what is the outline of the course. Thank you.Reply to Romie
My big plan to leave my current job is due to extreme expenses and more working hours hence I would like to adopt freelance writing and work from home where I will be s settledReply to Kennie
Hi Romie! So glad you are pushing your writing skills to be a successful freelance writer! Make sure to visit the sales page to see the outline!Reply to Elna
I’m working as a volunteer English teacher in Honduras this year where I have food and housing paid for. While I’m pursuing this job, I’m also committing myself to working for two hours a day to building business. I’m still in the process of figuring out my niche, but I’m looking forward to writing more, putting myself out there, and failing fast. My goal is to create helpful content and to gradually increase my earnings so that I can travel freely in 2021 and start saving money to go back to University in 2023. Feeling hopeful. Thanks, Elna!Reply to Lily
Hi Lily, Love your plan! So glad you incorporated these steps into your plan! Putting yourself out that is scary but you can do it!Reply to Elna
I am a stay at home mom who homeschooles. I have a passion for writing and teaching. Now, I am in a position to where I need to provide an income for my family. As writing is a passion of mine, I am in the baby stages of researching how to make a living at it from home. I have the time. Now, I need the know how!Reply to Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, That’s awesome to hear! I feel freelance writing is the BEST gig for stay at home moms. It’s recurring, can be done during the fringe hours and it’s easier now than ever to land clients! I suggest you take my free course to get the tools to get started as a freelance writer! to Elna
Hi Elna I’m retired from a school district job and enjoy writing but mostly fiction. I have a dream of helping my husband to get a new engine for the car we both love. I feel that this is a good goal for starters. He is also retired. it seems that most of the women who write to you are young while I’m not as young as I once was. If You can’t help me, can you recommend, please, someone who can.Reply to Esther
Hi Esther! Thanks for sharing your story with me! I love to get to know new freelance writers! Have you taken my free course, Get Paid to Write? That is a great first step for many newbies! to Elna
I’ve already made the leap but am digging deeper into what I need to do make a career out of freelancing! I saved money, set an exit date, and felt confident in my decision because I don’t currently have many financial or family obligations (my boyfriend and I both left our full-time job in order to build careers where we can travel more). I’m soaking up every bit of knowledge I can on this field and want to thank you for this outline even though I found it half-way into my process!Reply to Lindsey
Hi Lindsey! That sounds awesome! Congrats to taking the leap into freelancing! So happy you have a plan and it’s a proven plan that works! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, you are so inspirational, thanks. I have just started working from home. As a new mum its quite challenging but I have to find time. I’ll keep reading your blog to keep going.Reply to Wanja
Hi Wanja! That’s the spirit! You need that perseverance to succeed as a freelance writer! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! I’ve been so grateful to find your website. I have a formatting question, and I’m hoping you can help! I have primarily worked for a graphic design friend creating copy for her client’s websites, but I have never had to hand over copy directly to a client. When I hand off my copy to her, I format it in word, and then she uploads it to her client’s website. For blog posts, I never used Word’s blog formatting, just regular word, using Word formatting for headings and subheadings etc. When you are working for a client, do you format in Word, do you send a google doc, do you upload directly, or something else? Thank you so much for your help!Reply to Jessica
Hey Elna This is really a great post. I also started freelancing writing a few months back and it gave me confidence to start a blog. That’s why I also shared a post on freelance writing jobs for beginners on my blog. Thanks for sharing such an motivational post.Reply to Amit
Hi Amit, You’re welcome! So glad you found this post on how to start freelance writing helpful for you to start! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hi Jessica! I do all! I use MS Word and format it correctly (I have a lesson in my course on that) and I have also used G docs but you have to format that correctly too (which I have a lesson in the course too!). I have also uploaded my post directly to my client’s backend WordPress site.Reply to admin
Dear Elna, I have read your blogs for several years now and I’m always amazed at the information that you share. I remember reading in one of your blogs, or was it your free course, that you also use MarkDown. Is that information also in the same course with the other formatting lessons? Sorry to ramble, but my question is ‘Which course contains lessons about formatting in Word and GDocs and MarkDown?’ I need to sign up for one of your paid courses and want to start with the best information for a beginner in the freelance writing world. I have lots of experience in technical documentation, web design (several platforms) and am a competant editor/proofreader. I am currently in analysis paralysis mode about a niche…(groan). Thanks for all your information and encouragement; and I look forward to taking THE class that will help me move forward!Reply to Deb
Hi Deb, Thank you so much for your kind words and wanting to enroll in one of my courses. I honestly don’t remember talking about MarkDown as this isn’t something I’m familiar with. I do talk about Google doc structure in Writeto1k. This is my most comprehensive course for new writers so this would be your best choice (it also has a private Facebook group too). Email me if you have any more questions!Reply to Elna