Start Paid Writing – A Step-by-Step Guide

Are  you wanting to get paid to write as a freelance writer?

Now is a great time to create the life you’ve always wanted – whether it’s traveling more, spending more time with your family, or wanting to work for yourself, you can have it all and I’m going to show you how.

8 Ways to Take Your Content Writing Business to the Next Level

You know you’re a good content writer.

You exceed deadlines.

You’ve “got” content writing down pat.

So, why are you struggling on how to find clients?

6 Rules for Guest Posting (+ Opportunities to Guest Post)

If you don’t already know, guest posting can help kick-start your business – especially for writers and bloggers.

Having your content on someone else’s blog not only helps get your name out there, but it can:

How to Prove Yourself on Your Blog and Earn More Readers From It

Has blogging become a chore for you? What used to be the first thing on your to-do list is now the last thing on your mind.

You now dread having to write for your blog.

5 Client-Magnetizing Ways to Write a Kick-Ass About Page

You think it’s super easy.

I mean, all you have to do is write something about yourself and put it on your About page. Out of all the pages you have to write for your writer website, this should be no problem.

Well, if you’re a freelance writer wanting to score some writing gigs, you are making a classic rookie mistake when it comes to your website copy.

Where I’m Writing and How I’m Doing It

March has been a great month for my business. I thought I’d let my readers know a little bit about how my writing business is going.

This year started off with a bang! I launched my new writer website design and immediately received queries for my writing. While not every query landed a writing job, it did confirm that my inbound marketing tactics were working.

How to Write a Bio That Will Snag Writing Clients

You slave away at writing the perfect guest post for a very popular website.

You can’t believe they accepted your pitch, but you push your excitement aside and get busy writing.

When the last sentence is done, you press save and take a deep breath, thinking you are all done – but you’re not.

How to Create an Awesome Blog Post The Right Way

Listen up bloggers and freelance writers, it isn’t enough anymore to just have good content on your blog.

Don’t get me wrong – having a well-written, interesting and engaging blog post is important, but it isn’t enough.

No, what you want is for people to notice your post. You want them to click on the link, and if they can get past your headline and read your post, they might even think about it, tweet it, bookmark it, share it and pin it.

Your blog isn’t doing you any good if no one’s reading it. So, how can you make people notice your blog post?

5 Tactics to Boost Your Popularity on Pinterest

Raise your hand if you have a Pinterest account, but never use it?

Now raise your hand if you’ve known Pinterest is a strong visual marketing tool to drive traffic to your site, yet fail to use it for your business?

How Grow Your Client Base Online with Your Blog

Clients! That’s what you want!

You want to build your client base as a brand new freelance writer and you don’t know how.

Well, what if I told you I know the secret to growing a client base as a complete beginner?

This one thing has helped me land multiple clients, securing high-paying client base that I can tap into any month of the year.

And this meant in a couple short months I went from newbie writer to a booked writer with an amazing client base.