Ever heard of a site called Reddit?
Reddit aggregates news but as a freelance writer, Reddit offers discussions and forums and in those forums you can land a freelance writing job.
Yes – that’s right.
While you might hear about job boards and cold pitching as main methods to landing article writing jobs, there are dozens and dozens of other ways you can use to make a living as a writer (Psst…I share most of those ways and keep adding more in Writeto1k).
So, for today I wanted to share with you a new Writeto1k student, Aaron Nolan and his strategy do some freelance writing on Reddit to land client work. I will also add my takeaways from his tips!
He’s had tremendous success on Reddit. This is what he recently mentioned in the private course Facebook group:
Reddit is flooded with writers in every niche. There is a world building sub reddit group for example. Writers that make up maps and worlds, like Lord of the the rings or star wars and game if thrones. For role playing games, videos games, book series, etc. Companies simply need a foundation for their characters and events. Including detailed map jobs for artists, they need writers for with descriptions. Including Character descriptions. The opportunity for WRITING is endless! Just gotta be at the right place at the right time.
So, if you want to be a video game writer, comedy writer, quiz writer or just the regular content writer, Reddit has endless possibilities for you.
Using Reddit for Freelance Writing Jobs
Here is Aaron sharing his story about starting freelance writing.
Becoming a Freelance Writer
My name is Aaron Nolan.
Writing has always been a hobby of mine. Since I was a child, I have dreamed of being a successful author.
Soon enough, I grew up, got married and, like most adults, got too busy for hobbies and dreams.
Taking care of my family was all that mattered. I am now a full time single father and have been an electrician for over twenty years.
For the majority of my life, I focused all of my energy on providing for the people that I love.
My priorities were being a good husband and an awesome father.
While these are great characteristics to aim for, they aren’t actually goals.
After my divorce, it occurred to me that the children would grow up and, eventually, leave too. I realized that it was crucial for me to pursue my own dreams.
No matter what, I was going to be a writer.
With all the new start-ups, websites and blogs online, it occurred to me that they all need content written for them daily.
Four months ago I discovered Elna Cain on YouTube.
Her story of success as a twin mommy was all the motivation I needed.
I knew that I could be working from home as a freelance writer too.
I immediately signed up for Writeto1k and dedicated 2 hours per day to my freelance writing career.
The course worked better than I ever could have anticipated.
While working construction full time and raising my four kids alone, I was able to land 2 monthly retainer gigs, writing product descriptions for a couple of well known auto parts stores.
Using Reddit for Freelance Writing Jobs
Aaron has mentioned numerous times his success on using Reddit for freelance writing work. Many of my students were intrigued and excited for his success.

I asked him why he decided to use Reddit for freelance writing and this is his response.
Reddit is different from other platforms.
People on Reddit are more engaged and seem to be there to offer advice.
If they are not answering questions, they are providing encouragement.
Every niche is thoroughly covered with Reddits sub-niche groups where freelance writing advice and multiple job opportunities are posted every day.
It’s also important to know that 75% of Reddit users are not on Twitter, Snapchat or Facebook.
Reddit provides a one of a kind community with a unique experience each visit.
Takeaway: If you want to stick with one platform like Reddit, it’s important to immerse yourself on the platform. Engage with the users, be helpful and over time businesses on Reddit will see your posts all over and want to work with you.
Landing Writing Jobs on Reddit
I asked Aaron how he did it! How did he quickly land jobs on Reddit?
Here is his answer.
After pitching to several gigs in a few different freelance writing sub-niches, I was asked to provide five paid writing samples to an Automotive website.
All 200-word product descriptions.
After submitting the final drafts, the company responded back.
Introducing themselves as AutoZone, they asked me to write their product descriptions every week.
I was thrilled with the news but also knew that I had to find another writing job in order to quit my full time job as an electrician.
I actually scanned down the list of all previous job postings and found one that matched the exact auto parts product description job that I was doing for AutoZone.
I immediately sent my pitch and was hired the next day by JEGS Auto Parts.
I am officially a full time, professional writer and all of my work has been found on Reddit.
Takeaway: Aaron was not afraid to pitch. Harvard Business Review sites that women are less likely to apply for a job if they aren’t 100% qualified. Aaron, a single father, knew he was new to freelance writing, but he pitched anyway. As a woman in the freelance writing industry, it’s time to change your mindset and do what Aaron did – stick to a platform like Reddit and pitch your little heart out, even if you don’t think you’re qualified.
How to Get Started on Reddit for Freelance Writing
I asked Aaron if he could provide some tips on getting started with Reddit. Here is his answer.
To get started as a freelance writer on Reddit it is important to find a writing niche.
From finance, personal training to sports, there are many job opportunities posted each day and even more competition.
The best thing you can do is stand out as the exact writer for the project posted.
If a job is outside of your writing niche, you can still win the gig as long as you stand out in your pitch.
Reddit is a completely free platform to use and even offers great deals on advertising.
Log in, set up your profile and you’re ready to find work as a freelance writer.
Takeaway: The important thing for new freelance writers is to find that writing niche. To land jobs quickly, businesses need to know what you provide and if you see writing jobs on Reddit, you’ll know easily if you should pitch to them or not. If you need more help check out my 1 hour masterclass, Writing Sample Starter Kit.
Finding Sub Reddit Groups for Freelance Writers
Aaron provided the best sub Reddit groups to check out!
The only sub Reddit groups that I deal with are
- r/freelancewriters
- r/forhire
- r/writerforhire
- r/writing_gigs
I have found all the work I need using these subReddit groups alone.
Best Tips on Using Reddit as a Freelance Writer
Here are Aaron’s top tips on using Reddit for writing gigs.
- Be sure that your profile sets you apart from the rest of the freelance writers. Be unique and personable. Give it some character and maybe even a bit of comedy. Whatever works for you to get the clients attention.
- Besides being unique in character, it is important to find a writing niche as a freelance writer. Nothing will get you hired faster than having the exact qualifications and interests as the job posted.
- Be consistent on the platform. Watch for job postings everyday and offer advice to other struggling freelance writers when you can.
- Engage often and make sure that people start to recognize you. Other writers may actually send job opportunities that don’t interest them to your inbox.
- Expect failure and rejections. If you plan for it, it doesn’t seem to hurt as bad. You are going to get more rejections than you are writing jobs. As long as you are pitching consistently, you will, without a doubt, get the perfect gig for your new freelance writing business.
Takeaways: I love these tips! These can also be for engaging online as a freelance writer. Be consistent, engaging and helpful! Thanks Aaron for reminding us!
Reddit for Freelance Writing Jobs
There ya go!
I hope you enjoyed what Aaron Nolan said about using Reddit!
Make sure to follow him on Reddit!
If you have any more questions post them here and I’ll have Aaron help you out!
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