Category: Blog

Creating an Effective Freelance Writing Contract: Sample Template, Tips and What You Need to Know

Over the years of freelance writing, I’ve come to know how important it is to have a freelance writing contract. Why?

Because of dodgy clients.

They often ruin your day, week, or month.

Freelance Writing Jobs for Newbies: Determing Your Rates

If you’re a new freelance writer, one of the hardest decisions to make is determining your rates. Oftentimes we undervalue ourselves and end up taking low paying jobs just to get by.

Interview Questions for Clients: 10 Good Tips to Follow

Good interview questions for clients to ask after a job search is what you need for your interview preparation as a new freelance writer.

Yikes – but you’re all new to this.

Hey, has this happened to you?

Landing Your First Job (Freelance Writing Jobs for Newbie)

I need a job!

Oh my – landing that first job as a brand new freelance writer is the holy grail.

This is what you want because once you have that first job under your belt, getting the next job and next client becomes much easier.

For beginner freelance writers, the road you take to that first job will vary from one another, but we all have the same goal for our profession: to get paid what we’re worth.

Blog Post Format: The Worst Thing You Can Do (Hint: You are Probably Doing it)

As a blogger, we strive to have a good blog post format every time we sit down to type.

We can agonize for days just to get that one post ready to drive traffic to our site.

If you’re anything like me, you can spend hours generating blog post ideas, or days pouring over resources, making sure it’s relevant and useful for your readers.

As someone getting paid to write, I don’t only want to provide awesome and engaging content for my readers and clients, but I want to make sure that my content is being read, shared and talked about.

6 Foolproof Content Writer Marketing Tips To Get You Started

Freelance writing is hard when you first start. It’s hard for businesses to find you, it’s hard to get your name out there, and it’s even harder to get freelance writing jobs.

You are new to the game, but you have the writing chops. Now what?

To help you be successful as a small business you need content writer marketing tips. Essentially, you have be a better content writer so you can get in front of your ideal client.

Why I Want to Quit Freelance Writing

I’m going to let you in on a little secret — so come closer and listen carefully. Ready?

I almost ruined my freelance writing jobs before they even took off – should I quit my job?

I was about to quit my job and start another adventure as a work-at-home mom when I suddenly had a wake-up call (but we’ll get to that later).

How Writing Faster Can Get You More Clients

So, you want to learn the key to writing faster?

If you’re a freelance writer or blogger, online writing is something you should learn more about and writing faster is part of improving your writing skills.

It’s not going to be productive if you slave away trying to write your client post and the deadline is looming. You’re dragging your feet and unable to move past that second paragraph.

Having to do that for all your client work, won’t help you make a living as a writer.

5 Writing Rules Every Blogger Must Know

Growing up, were you the kid at school who always turned in homework on time, finished class assignments before everyone else finished, and always had their hands up to answer a question a teacher asked?

Or, were you the kid who finished their homework during breakfast, sat in the back of the class and didn’t want to be called on?

No matter what type of kid you were during grade school, everyone I’m sure was grilled on writing skills and grammar rules.

And if you are a blogger or freelance writer, you may think those skills are essential to your ability to create awesome content.

Stuck With Lifeless Images on Your Blog? Dress Them Up With 4 Enchanting Ideas

Do you have a blog with interesting content people want to read, but they aren’t reading it because you have lifeless images?

Do you want to learn how to create images to die for in order to increase social engagement and ultimately gain more readers?

If you answered yes to one or both of my questions, then this tutorial is for you!