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12 Best Facebook Groups for Freelance Writers

One of the things I did before I became a freelance writer was spend time on Facebook. I would post pictures of the twins or of what we did for the summer. I also connected with family and friends.

But, since becoming a freelance writer, I quickly learned how to market my business as well as network with potential clients on Facebook.

How? With Facebook groups. And did you know there are groups for freelance writers or ones that would benefit them? By joining a Facebook group you can:

My 2017 Quarterly Goals for My Freelance Writing Business

I haven’t talked at all about my quarterly goals on this blog. While I have yearly goals set for this business, I’m finding that if I break it down in quarters it makes it a bit easier to accomplish.

I find that when I publicly share my goals, I inspire others, but more importantly, motivate myself and hold myself accountable to accomplishing my goals.

I did lay out my yearly goals for my freelance writing business, but didn’t share them on my blog.  Why? Well, a lot of the big goals coincide with my goals for Twins Mommy (my other site).

The Biggest Myth About Freelance Writing That’s Stopping You From Succeeding

I get emails from aspiring writers, mom bloggers and those that have been freelance writing for a while.

They ask questions like what a good rate is to start off, if I could help them with a niche and where to find better freelance writing jobs.

All of these questions are dancing around an even bigger question. Because, if you’re on the other side of this – someone who has a full-time job and is only thinking about freelancing – then the biggest myth that you believe is that it’s impossible to make a living from this.

The Top Ways for Finding Freelance Writing Jobs Online (Video)

This is day 5 of my Facebook live video sessions over on my Facebook page!

If you haven’t seen them here are the videos in the last four days:

How to Find Your Perfect and Profitable Niche as a Writer (Video)

Have you figured out your niche?

If you want to be a freelance writer, one of the first things you need to have is a niche! This is the writing topic you will get paid for.

But, what if you enjoy or know a lot about many topics? Can you not land clients in different niches? Some people feel that if you market yourself as a jack of all trades, you’ll land more work.

How to Be More Efficient as a New Freelance Writer (Video)

Hey freelance writers!

This is day two of my 5 Days of Facebook Lives on Freelance Writing Tips. For this Facebook Live I dive deep into the four main ways to stay efficient as a new writer.

If you missed the first day, I talked about the 4 Skills Profitable Freelance Writers Posses.

4 Skills Profitable Freelance Writers Possess (Video)

Did you catch me live in my Facebook group? I’m in the middle of doing five days of freelance writing tips over in my Facebook page and I’m loving it!


I’m not the best presenter or speaker, but I’m showing you that I’m actually doing it. I’m scared, anxious and I totally messed up and say um a lot. But, I did it. I took action and did something new.

18 Reasons You’re Not Landing Freelance Writing Clients (And What You Can Do About It)

Face it:

You’ve been trying this whole freelance writing thing for three months, and you haven’t landed a freelance writing client.

Sure, you’ve gotten a project here and there, but nothing recurring and nothing more than a few dollars.

3 Insider Tips to Turn a One-Off Job Into Recurring Side Hustle Jobs

Is writing all you need to land some side hustle jobs?

For a lot of people, that’s what they focus on when they try to land a writing job. If they can get A’s in school, then surely they can be a freelance writer.

But, they soon wonder why they aren’t landing consistent work.

3 Things You Need for Consistent Freelance Writing Work

The big question a lot of new freelance writers ask is how the heck do you get consistent freelance writing work?

For a lot of you, you’re sick and tired of writing one-off pieces never to get an email from your client asking you for another project.

I have very few ad hoc clients and that’s because I need regular clients to make a living writing.