Search Results for: pitch

The Steps I Took to Land My First Freelance Writing Job

Do you want to be a freelance writer but have no clue how to start?

Or, are trying to make some money as a freelance writer and all you’re getting are one-off content jobs for $20? Navigating the world of freelancing can be a challenge if you don’t know where to find jobs or how to have steady work.

I started freelance writing over two years ago. My twins weren’t even two years old when I landed my first client. I was new and made a lot of mistakes.

Hit a Dead-End With Your Freelance Writing Business? Here’s What to Do

I have hit a dead-end with my freelance business. I am not getting any new prospects.

Is that you?

I get a lot of emails every week from new aspiring freelance writers and those who have been moonlighting as a freelance writer for a while.

17 Best Job Boards for a New Freelance Writer

Ready to check out the best writing job boards filled with good paying freelance writing jobs?

Making consistent money is probably the number one goal all new freelance writers strive for, right?

You just want to learn how to make money with your words (hint: it’s using job boards as a freelance writer!).

How to Improve Your Samples as a New Freelance Writer


The ticket to getting your first freelance writing job.

Yes, it’s that important.

7 Ways to Maximize Your Time as a Freelance Writer

People ask me all the time when the heck do I find time to freelance write, write on multiple personal blogs, run a successful course and take care of my twins?

Do I get anything done in a day?

I do!

How to Be a Freelance Writer (Without Leveraging Your Experience or Contacts)

Everywhere you look, you keep reading about people that break into freelance writing by using their professional background or leveraging their corporate contacts.

Most of these stories are from writers with a business, IT or real estate background.

These niches are highly profitable, but what if you don’t have that same background?

This Single Mom Quit Her Day Job in 3 Months Thanks to Freelance Writing

Imagine waking up to your own schedule and starting the day off on your own terms. Freelance writing can give you the ability to be your own boss and make a living from your passion. But, as luck would have it, you’re stuck at a job that doesn’t inspire you and all you want to do is quit your 9-5 job and work from home.

14 Common Mistakes Freelance Writers Make in Their First Year

I see it all the time.

New freelance writers who are struggling to find a new client and can’t figure out why they haven’t landed a gig yet. They feel they are doing everything right.

From checking the job boards daily to sending out their pitch to even making sure to send relevant samples, but no response with a job offer.

7 Blogs to Help Grow Your Freelance Writing Biz

Is your freelance writing biz slowing down over the summer? For many freelancers and even bloggers, business takes a hit and everyone feels the effects of the summer slump.

While my business isn’t slowing down that much, I do have less projects than I normally do for the summer.

But, this is a great time to do more for your freelance writing business. It might mean forming a new marketing strategy or perfecting your pitching process.

How Can I Build My Platform and Still Have Time to Freelance Write?

This is the question I ask myself every day.

As a freelance writer and now an entrepreneur (I’m going from mom to mompreneur) I’m suddenly faced with too little time and a growing list of personal projects I want to do on top of my client work.

So, why do I have four blogs, two of which I write every week on? Most of these blogs don’t generate income for me, yet I continually update them and write on them.