How Your Blog Images Can Help Freelance Writers Land More Work


If you don’t already know, I L-O-V-E images. From free stock images to using sites like Pixabay, if they’re free to use on blogs and for my clients, I’ll spend the time finding the perfect one.

True – I might spend too much time designing my blog images, but it’s a nice break from freelance writing. But, something I never thought of in a million years, was that my blog images generated work and sales for me as a freelance writer.

How Can I Build My Platform and Still Have Time to Freelance Write?

This is the question I ask myself every day.

As a freelance writer and now an entrepreneur (I’m going from mom to mompreneur) I’m suddenly faced with too little time and a growing list of personal projects I want to do on top of my client work.

So, why do I have four blogs, two of which I write every week on? Most of these blogs don’t generate income for me, yet I continually update them and write on them.

Side Hustle Tales: Approaching the 2 Year Mark in Freelance Writing

Next month will mark my two year anniversary of being a freelance writer!

This year flew past me in a flash and I can’t believe everything that’s happened so far.

I haven’t talked much about my business since I’ve been in my business so much. I just haven’t had time to reflect and think about my growth.

10 Smart Ways to Market Yourself as a Writer

No matter what season it is or whether there’s a holiday coming up, as a freelance writer, you want to make sure that when you step away from the computer, you’ll still have a presence online.

What do I mean by this?

Well, for starters, you don’t want people to all of a sudden forget about you.

4 Guaranteed Ways to Get Paid to Write Without Using Job Boards

I tell all new freelance writers that you gotta hustle to land a freelance writing job.

Writing gigs often just don’t come to you out of the blue. You have to put the work in every day so that you can get on the radar of your ideal clients and land a sweet gig.

But this doesn’t mean you have to slave away hours a day on job boards pitching to anything and everything that looks remotely interesting.

Why Writing Below Your Minimum Rate Can Pay Off Big

There’s another one again.

A prospect wanting content below your minimum rate. It’s the third one this month. What gives? You obviously have a stellar portfolio and are even working with influencers and writing on big platforms.

So, when another prospect contacts you and it looks like a good fit – it’s in your niche – you suddenly become disinterested because the pay is too low – even after negotiating with them.

You don’t mind too much, but you do want at least another gig or two to fill up your content calendar, so not landing another gig does hurt a bit, financially.

Scope Creep: What If the Freelance Writer IS One?

It finally happened.

You landed your first freelance writing client and you can’t wait to get started. You set the terms and you know the scope of the project – no more than 1500 words for a blog post.

You’re excited because this client is in your writing niche – adult learning – and you know you can provide a lot of awesome information in your piece.

The 3 Secrets to Being a Well-Paid Freelance Writer

Being a freelance writer can be stressful.

One month you’re scrambling to find a gig and other months your plate is soo full you’re telling fellow freelance writers about possible gigs.

It’s true that being a freelance writer can be a roller coaster, but it doesn’t have to always be like that.

Business Writing: B2B Writing and B2C Writing

If you’re a new freelance writer, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “B2B writing” or “B2C writing.”

What is the B2B meaning? What is the B2C meaning and do you start business writing?

In the world of freelance writing, there are many niches you can choose from, but not all of them will be profitable.

I just happened to fall into the B2B marketing space naturally. I never gave it much thought and never really looked at how I transitioned into this as a B2b freelance writer.

How to Become an Expert in Your Freelance Writing Niche

It’s no secret that to become a highly sought after freelance writer with a hugely successful business, you need to niche down.

What do I mean by this?

I mean the writers that are making a living from this are choosing one niche to write in.