Are You a Commodity Freelance Writer? How to Switch That Around

As a freelance writer, are you a commodity or an asset?

Are your services being simply traded for money or are you valued by your client?

When you are looking to advance your career as a freelance writer and make a living off what you do, the difference is important.

How to Manage Your Money as a New Freelance Writer

Ahh! You’ve finally decided that this is THE year to be a freelance writer!

I’m so happy for you! I have been freelance writing since 2014 and every year I learn something new, land amazing clients and grow my income.

One of those things I learned early on was the business side of freelance writing.

Writers Work Review 2024: Worth It for Beginners?

As a freelance writer, I started using Writers Work recently.

Why would I when there are so many ways to find writing gigs and start making money with freelance writing?

With many of these methods, you spend digging through job postings, or writing attention-catching pitches to potential freelance writing opportunities.

Writing Under a Pen Name (Using a Pseudonym to Freelance Write)

Are you interested in being a freelance writer, copywriter, or author but not sure if you want to use your own name?

Whether for business or pleasure, there are a variety of reasons why authors and freelance writers choose to use a pen name or pseudonym for their published work so they can write under a pen name.

Perhaps you aren’t sure if you should use a writer alias or aren’t aware of everything that goes into picking and using fake writer names.

24 Types of Copywriting (Up to $1,000 Pay)

When you think about becoming a freelance writer, do you envision someone sitting at their computer for 12 hours a day, slaving away typing thousands of words just to make a living writing?

Who has time for that???

You want to do this part-time, and you don’t want to be in front of your computer all day.

6 Solutions for Back and Neck Pain when Freelance Writing from Home

How many hours do you spend at your computer as a freelance writer working from home?

Whatever the number, sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time can have a negative effect on your back and neck.

I should know.

What Is the Hiring Process for Your First Freelance Writing Job?

So you want to be a freelance writer?

That’s awesome! You don’t have to know much about me to know that my passion lies in freelance writing.

But getting to where I am wasn’t a story of overnight success.

Best Christian Writing Jobs + Christian Magazines That Pay

Did you know that faith-based freelance writing, or Christian writing is quickly becoming a profitable niche?

If faith-based publications align with your personal beliefs, you may enjoy writing about your faith as a means of diversifying your writing services and increasing your income.

And, how great would that be?

9 Freelance Tasks to Do as a Writer (At the End of the Year)

It’s December, and you know what that means?

It’s time to get ready for the New Year and scale your freelance writing business with some freelance tasks! Yes, that might seem like a big goal, but baby steps, right?

I’ve been freelance writing since 2014, and what I enjoy doing at the end of the year are wrapping up any loose ends I have within my freelance writing business.

12 Writing Services to Offer as a Beginner + Examples!

Interested in all the different writing services there are out there?

When you first start out as a freelance writer, it may seem that the only service worth offering is writing blog posts and articles.

The common misconception here is that writing for the web is limited to blogs. However, you’d be amazed at how many writing services you can offer as a beginner!