Search Results for: pitch

6 Rules for Guest Posting (+ Opportunities to Guest Post)

If you don’t already know, guest posting can help kick-start your business – especially for writers and bloggers.

Having your content on someone else’s blog not only helps get your name out there, but it can:

Where I’m Writing and How I’m Doing It

March has been a great month for my business. I thought I’d let my readers know a little bit about how my writing business is going.

This year started off with a bang! I launched my new writer website design and immediately received queries for my writing. While not every query landed a writing job, it did confirm that my inbound marketing tactics were working.

How to Write a Bio That Will Snag Writing Clients

You slave away at writing the perfect guest post for a very popular website.

You can’t believe they accepted your pitch, but you push your excitement aside and get busy writing.

When the last sentence is done, you press save and take a deep breath, thinking you are all done – but you’re not.

How to Create an Awesome Blog Post The Right Way

Listen up bloggers and freelance writers, it isn’t enough anymore to just have good content on your blog.

Don’t get me wrong – having a well-written, interesting and engaging blog post is important, but it isn’t enough.

No, what you want is for people to notice your post. You want them to click on the link, and if they can get past your headline and read your post, they might even think about it, tweet it, bookmark it, share it and pin it.

Your blog isn’t doing you any good if no one’s reading it. So, how can you make people notice your blog post?

Confessions of a Freelance Writer: Interview with Lauren Tharp

If you’re a freelance writer, then I’m sure you’ve heard of Lauren Tharp. She has indispensable advice for writers and her blog has even won her awards.

Confessions of a Freelance Writer: Interview with Alicia Rades

Ready for another confession from a highly successful freelance writer/blogger?

My next freelance writer I interviewed was Alicia Rades. Alicia was one of the first few freelance writers I found online when I embarked on my freelance writing career. I was immediately drawn to her marketing strategies and informational content she provided via her own blog and guest blogs.

Confessions of a Freelance Writer

Ever wanted to get into the minds of successful freelance writers and ask, how do you do it?

How did you land your first big freelance writing job?

Why did you choose freelance writing in the first place?

For me, before I started freelance writing, I researched a ton of freelance writers. I looked at their web page, their social media presence, their guest posts, their clients, and above all, how they marketed themselves.

Creating an Effective Freelance Writing Contract: Sample Template, Tips and What You Need to Know

Over the years of freelance writing, I’ve come to know how important it is to have a freelance writing contract. Why?

Because of dodgy clients.

They often ruin your day, week, or month.

Interview Questions for Clients: 10 Good Tips to Follow

Good interview questions for clients to ask after a job search is what you need for your interview preparation as a new freelance writer.

Yikes – but you’re all new to this.

Hey, has this happened to you?

Landing Your First Job (Freelance Writing Jobs for Newbie)

I need a job!

Oh my – landing that first job as a brand new freelance writer is the holy grail.

This is what you want because once you have that first job under your belt, getting the next job and next client becomes much easier.

For beginner freelance writers, the road you take to that first job will vary from one another, but we all have the same goal for our profession: to get paid what we’re worth.