7 Top Remote Writing Jobs for 2023

Remote writing jobs are becoming more and more popular lately because more and more millennials are wanting to freelance instead of working full time.

In your quest to find remote jobs, you might be confused or wondering if these are the same as freelance writing jobs?

Yes and no. A remote job can be a freelance job or an employee job depending on how the company or employer set up the remote job role. Other terms you may find online are telecommute jobs, telework, remote or home-based work all for the same thing.

How to Invest In Yourself So You Can Make a Living Writing

Invest in yourself.

You know that’s something you truly want to do, but you can’t pull the trigger. You are being pulled in all directions – from work to family to self-care and even taking care of aging family, your passion is pushed to the wayside.

Another day, you tell yourself.

How to Become a Ghostwriter for Beginners (Ghostwriting Step-by-Step)

Ghostwriter. Ghostwriting.

You saw that online and are interested in wanting to be a ghostwriter, but not sure what it is, how to ghostwrite, how much money you can make ghostwriting and if it’s a real way to make a living writing.

As a professional writer since 2014, I’ve had some ghostwriting clients. All of them were influencers in their industry or small business owners wanting to start a blog on their business site.

Why Grammar Police Isn’t A Good Freelance Writing Quality

Do you find yourself cringing and biting your nails when reading blog posts and articles filled with grammatical mistakes?

You might even be in a Grammar Police group and not even know it!

(And watch out becoming a Grammar Police meme).

Business Name Ideas for Freelance Writers

You’re there –

You’ve decided to start a freelance writing business, and it’s for real.

This is it!

Is an Online Portfolio Better than a Blog for Freelance Writers?

You’re a new freelance writer!

You’ve made the decision to follow your love of writing and get paid for that writing.

That’s awesome! But, after learning about freelance writing, you’re probably wondering the best way to land a freelance writing job.

24 Easy Ways to Make Money Writing Online in 2023

Finding easy ways to make money fast is something I hear about a lot.

How do you make extra money from home that anyone can do, no matter if you have a high school diploma or a college degree?

Writing online is the BEST way to earn extra spending money. All things online begin with writing content. If you’re a great writer, why not use that skill to find ways to make that extra $100 a day?

9 Simple Ways on How to Improve Your Writing Skills

So, you want to be a writer and make a living out of this.

I write for small businesses and I also am a blogger. So, I consider myself a professional writer since I make a living as a writer now!

If you’re interested in doing online writing, then it’s important that your writing skills are great…amazing..brilliant!

How to Write An About Me Page As a Freelance Writer

So, you want to be a freelance writer and you know you need a blog to do this.

How Freelance Writers Can Get Paid Every Time

You’ve decided freelance writing is for you.


Now comes the hard part – finding a freelance writing job and getting paid.