How to Write An About Me Page As a Freelance Writer

So, you want to be a freelance writer and you know you need a blog to do this.


Now what? Well, you definitely need to write an About me section on your freelance writing site. Prospects need to know about you, right?

How to Write An About Me Page As a Freelance Writer

What are you suppose to put on your writer me About page?

Remember, a blog for your freelance writing business isn’t about you (shocking!) – it’s about the potential client. And that goes for learning how to write About me copy too. 

And one more thing – one of your most popular pages on your website will be your About me page!

I want to share with you my journey as a freelance writer – from the very beginning to now.

Looking back, I was just like you not too long ago! I did the same things as you and many times I failed. But, I don’t want that for you writers! I want to help you as much as I can!

Before we get into this post, if you don’t have time to read this, check out my video on creating your About page for your business. Also make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for freelance writers!

(You can easily subscribe by hovering over my headshot in the upper left corner of this video!)

My First About Me Bio as a Brand New Freelance Writer

I was brand new to many things when I put up my first writer website.

I also was new to promoting a business online!

I didn’t know anything. I ended up looking at other freelance writer websites to help me figure out what I needed to do for mine.

Here is my original About me bio for my writer me website:

Are you running your own business alone? Do you find you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done?

Maybe it’s time to get some help!

I’m Elna Cain and I have a passion for writing. I enjoy writing on a variety of topics and I take pleasure in immersing myself in learning about new and exciting areas.

I have plenty of experience in the mental health field and educational setting as I have a bachelor’s in Psychology and have worked in education for many years.

I am also a married millennial mom of twin toddlers with expert knowledge, interest and personal experience in parenting, career advice, natural and holistic living, relationships, raising twins and being a work-at-home mom.

I am adept at meticulously researching any topic given and I work to produce original yet engaging prose for my clients. I also have plenty of experience in creating well-optimized, search-engine friendly content for clients who want to increase their online traffic and visibility.

My primary writing focus is on article, blog and site content, but I am always open to other areas of writing.

I also do eBook design and formatting. I use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to create a professional and modern eBook design.

When I am not writing, you can find me at the park running after my rambunctious two year old twins.

Some great things about this copy is:

  • I’m speaking to potential clients in the first sentence or two
  • I mention my experience with SEO content (which – at the time – I don’t think I knew much)
  • I shared some of my personality at the end of this copy

Some not-so-great things about this copy is:

  • I use difficult jargon in this – meticulously and prose. I would never use these words now!
  • I don’t have credibility in what I’m saying – Having links to what you are talking about can help you become more credible in your niche.
  • I mention too many niches and services – While it’s okay to have more than one niche, don’t have 5 or six and don’t have 4 or 5 services either!
  • I mention that I can write about any topic – this is as big no-no. You don’t want to market yourself as a catch-all writer; you want to market yourself as the go-to writer in a certain niche topic.

Did I Land Freelance Writing Jobs With This Copy?

Yes, I did. But the gigs I had were varied and all over the place. Some of these gigs took too much time to write because it wasn’t in my wheelhouse of knowledge.

As soon as I had samples and client posts with bylines published, I had to change my About me page copy to reflect this.

A few months later from starting my freelance writing business, I was able to share links to where I was writing on my About me page.

Some big things I noticed that helped me optimize my writer me About page are:

  • I broke up my text with bullet lists – Many small business owners don’t have the time to sit and read long paragraphs. If you make your information easy to read, they’ll hang around longer.
  • I have links to my writing – It’s a good idea to link to your writing in your About me page. Remember, prospects don’t have time to look ALL over your writer website.
  • I try to convince readers to hire me – The part in my About me page where I ask, “but are you wondering, why me?” is my way of convincing prospects that I’m unique and different than other writers.

The not-so-great thing about this About me page copy is that I’m still marketing myself as a jack-of-all trades writer. I haven’t niched down yet.

My About Page Copy a Little Over a Year Later

A year later, here is how to write an about me for your writer website.

It took me over a year to finally niche down to the digital marketing niche. So, from this point on, my About me bio copy reflects that.

And some things I  kept from before are my headline and bullet lists.

But, I’m New to Freelance Writing…

Okay, so you’re new and you need to learn how to write an About me page copy.

I would promote yourself as a freelance writer for hire and mention what niches you serve. I would make your copy focus on your potential client. What do they want for their writing?

  • Delivered on time
  • Formatted appropriately
  • Up-to-date
  • Engaging writing
  • Sourced
  • Exceeds what the client wanted!

About Me Page Examples

These are things you can weave into your About me bio to make it effective!

If you need more help, check out my post on other ways to write your About page to attract clients.

Hi I'm Elna and I'm a freelance writer and mom blogger. I help people just like you become a profitable freelance writer. Within 6 months of starting my freelance writing business from scratch I was able to earn a full-time living as a part-time freelance writer while taking care of my twin toddlers. Check out my free email course Get Paid to Write Online and learn the steps you need to take to be a freelance writer.

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You have been really helpful with your tips on how to come up with an eye catching about me page. I’m gratefulReply to David
Hi David, Oh thanks so much! Glad this post on creating an About Me page was helpful!Reply to Elna
I was looking for something a little more solid than I was finding regarding the About Me page. Thanks, Elna!Reply to Kim
like your kindness to pump us with knowledge as we look for a livingReply to jared
This incredible,it’s very interesting and amazing, you are a great help to me and many others,I am not a writer but I am thinking on how to become one, you are good and kind, Thanks very much for your concrete content that you have shared with us.Reply to Gracious
Hi! You’re welcome! If you need more help on becoming a writer check out my post here: to Elna
Elna, thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. Im an active blogger on Medium and now wanting to create a freelance writer website. Your input on setting up an about page is very helpful to me. Thanks a million!Reply to Carol
Hi Carol, Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed this post and good luck with your freelance writing!!!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much for these great tips! Especially love your advice to newbies (I’m just starting out in the freelancing world). Going to fix my about page now!Reply to Caitlin
Hi Caitlin, You’re welcome and thanks for wanting to follow me! So happy you are taking action and improving your About Me page!Reply to Elna
I found your examples to be very concrete and helpful. Thank you.Reply to Anne
Hi Anne, So glad to hear this! Good luck writing an About Me page!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much. I keep getting stuck because I’m just getting started and can’t figure out what to say. Your post really helped me figure it out!Reply to Bettina
Hi Bettina, That’s great! Glad you enjoyed my post!Reply to Elna
I love how this guide actually shows how your ‘About Me’ page became more polished over time. I will definitely use this as reference!Reply to Arzeel
Hi! That’s awesome to hear! I love reading posts like this too – with every concrete examples! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hello, I just have to thank you for the value you are providing us aspiring, freelance writers. so much useful info. You are a cornerstone in the writing community. I can see the hard work you have put into helping us all become successful writers!Reply to Dusty
Hi Dusty, Wow! Thank you for that comment! I’m humbled by it all! I just want to help as many people find out about freelance writing and make money writing! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Really helpful i hope i land my first writing job using the tipsReply to Rogers
Hi Rogers, Crossing my fingers! You can do it!Reply to Elna
So, I decided to get a writer website after 3 months of inaction. But I’ve been stuck on the “About Me” page. This night, I decided to check Google and your blog came out as the topmost result. I’ve been here a few time and knew I’d see real gold, so I quickly got back in here 😊😊 And you know what, you always deliver pure gold! I think I can go back and write my “About Me” page now. I’ve been inspired. Thanks for the post, Elna.Reply to Claudius
Hi Claudius, Wow, so happy my post was the one you clicked on! Thanks! And I’m happy my little tutorial will help you write your About page!Reply to Elna
This post was so helpful! I am going to be updating my about page as soon as I can. I do have a question though. I have two niches, and they are in very different directions. The first is fantasy/sci-fi and the second is in writing newsletters and blogposts for non-profits. Do you have any tips on how to advertise for both?Reply to Amy
Hi Amy, It’s a little tricky but I would just add both to your blog services and see what happens! If you find that you aren’t landing clients in the fantasy niche or it’s more fiction than anything else, then you can start a blog in that niche!Reply to Elna
Thanks for sharing so much good information about writing. This is the first time I have ever seen such great information. I will definitely be in touch again. I have been staring at a blank page for weeks and now I at least have some insight into what I need to do. Thanks so much. ☺Reply to Dell
Hey Dell! You’re welcome! Knowing how to write an About page was a challenge for me too. I don’t like talking about myself!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, There’s no better way to market yourself as a freelance writer without having an irresistible”About me” page. I actually clicked through to your about me page, and I must say, it’s fascinating. I never thought of optimizing my page and make it visually appealing, also highlighting my skills, etc. I hope you don’t mind if I should use yours as a template for my page. ???… Good job, Elna. You did great!Reply to Moss
Hey Moss! Thanks so much for coming over! Glad you enjoyed my About page 🙂Reply to Elna