I have almost 300 blog posts covering 600,000 words or more on the topic of freelance writing.
I love and enjoy sharing my freelance writing tips to you, but I realize that you may not have time to read my blog post or remember all the blog posts I have on this blog.
That is why I’ve created eBooks of my long-form articles on this blog and have created additional printable worksheets too!
This makes it an easier reading about tactics and experience that you can do on your own time. So, take a look at the eBooks + printable worksheets and find one to own and start reading.
NOTE: Just to reiterate, the content in these eBooks is curated from blog posts on my site. It is not new content. However, the included PDF printables/worksheets are brand new. And everything is packaged up into a cute, easy-to-consume eBook!

How to Write a White Paper
This is a step-by-step guide on learning all about white paper writing. White paper writing is a lucrative service and is something new freelance writers can offer to gain excellent writing jobs. You will also get a White Paper Planning page, White Paper Checklist and a Swipe File printable. These are editable online or you can print them up.

How to Write a Case Study
This is a step-by-step guide on how to write a case study for a writing job. Many businesses today use case studies to help them grow their business and you can be the writer for them. You will also get a 30 Interview Questions to Ask, Case Study Checklist, and a Case Study visual template.

How to Write a Cover Letter
Many businesses want a cover letter and resume when they post a job ad. Don’t be left out – learn how to write an optimized cover letter for a writing job. One reader used this information and landed a writing job! You will also get a Cover Letter Checklist, 30 Cover Letters Skills/Traits, and 16 Job Sites that need writers.